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As Jungkook instructed Yoongi to keep an eye on you. The two were growing close. He comes over for an hour or so. Despite the kiss exchange that happened, the two have gone back to their friendship. Jiho has grown attached to Yoongi. Asking when he will be over to play or even to the park. Yoongi does it, no questions asked. It was nice to have him around. Tori and Stella came over one day and talked with him. Yoongi told them about the kiss. The girls were irrupted in screams and you wanted to punch Yoongi. Jungkook would text you throughout the day and video chat during the evening. Jiho would tell Jungkook about his adventures. Jungkook would smile at his son. After that, he and you would talk. Jungkook sings a lullaby to Jiho before bedtime. It brought a smile to your lips. A very sweet gesture from his father. 

The playdates would go on, and Yoongi would tag along. You laughed each time Mila and Jiho asked for the man to play with them. It looked like he didn't want to at first. With time he grew to like it. A grown man playing all sorts of characters for the kids. Minho sees you as more vibrant. Though he didn't speak on it. Light has reentered for the world. As for other friends, you had recently seen Iris. She was beyond glowing. You were so excited to meet her baby boy. Theo, he invited you out to a barbecue. You went and got along with her cousin, Evie. super sweet girl. Theo's parents made jokes about you being his girlfriend and his face would get pink. You laughed but clarified you two were friends. Stella and Tori had dinner just for the girls. Jiho was the only boy to attend. Rio and Freddie updated you on their life. When you name-dropped Yoongi, Rio roared. He knew you would pick him. You shook your head. Freddie was ready to throw hands if Yoongi hurt you. You told them about your relationship. Friends things. 

Yoongi picked you up to hang out at HYBE. You were cautious from last time. Yoongi escorted you and Jiho into the building. Jiho had grown to play soccer with his uncles. Yoongi would be off to work in his studio. You wondered what it was like watching the man make magic. 


You looked at Namjoon. 


"You spaced out there..." 

"Oh, my bad." 

The men chuckled. 

"Jungkook does that a lot too." Jin mentioned

"So I'm not the only one who has witnessed it." you said 

"During rehear- when we work, he spaces out for a short period. Then he comes back." said Taehyung 

You chuckle. "What an idiot." 

"Mama, I want to play!" 

"Go with your uncle Hobi and you can play." 

Jiho runs over to Hobi and Hobi hugs the boy. Ever since you got jumped by those men, Jiho stays by Hobi's side. In everything. You haven't told Jungkook about the dispute. He'd for sure buy a plane ticket and fight the people till they are dead in the jail cell. 

"I'm going to my studio." Yoongi said. 

"Come on, Yoon! Play soccer with us." Jimin said 

"Yeah, it will be fun! Jiho has been getting better at his kicks." Jin said

"I'm not a sports person." he said 

"Hyung, you don't even need to play you can be the referee..." Taehyung said 

"You'll sit down and blow a whistle." Namjoon adds 

"We need team SOPE!" Hobi shouts 

Yoongi sighs. 

"Y/N will be a cheerleader." Jimin said 

"Oh my, no." you say "I'll just watch the game." 

"I vote Y/N as a cheerleader, any else?" Jin said 

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