Chapter 1

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Warning: Please excuse the mistakes regarding grammar, spelling, typos, autocorrect FREAKING autocorrect, etc. English isn't my first language (proud filipino here) so.

Author: You came here to read so you must be familiar with "imagination" 🌈. All jokes aside just imagine the characters, and thank you for reading this have a great or bad day.

This is a rewrite because, what the hell wattpad not all of us have WiFi connection, Even though its my fault for not going to my neighbours house. At three am


Theo's POV

I was running through the hall way because i was late AGAIN.

"Glad you could join us Mr. Landrix"

The teacher sideeyeing me. I just ignored him and went to my seat, I put my head down not really caring what was happening beside me or around me. That was until I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Everyone this is Sebastian the new transfery, he will be joining our class from now on, Sebastian please introduce yourself."

"I am Sebastian people call be Sebastian by my real name is Sebastien Alexaznderik Sergenov, I am from russia and I hope you will not treat me differently."

I lift my head to see a silver blonde boy, he was tall and had heterocromia he had blue eyes on right and green on the left, he also had little to no russian accent if he didn't say he was from russia I wouldn't even know, he has a 'sexy' voice though, wait what the fuck am I thinking I'm not gay am I?

I was still staring at him until he stared back, I quickly put my head down, looks like I stared for too long.

"Alright Sebastian you may take a seat wherever you like"

Please don't sit next to me please no. I hear the chair beside being pulled. Great. Now I have to start a conversation with him, but it's not necessary, yet I feel like I have too.

"So. Sebastian you're quite tall aren't you?.

Bad start for a conversation. He looked at me and smirked.

"I am. Why? do I make you insecure?"

This guy needs a slap to reality.

"What? Of course not why would you make me insecure"

"I mean I'm taller, more muscular, and no doubt smarter then you."

This delusional ken doll.

"You can't be saying stuff like that when it's your first day."

I scoffed.

"Well I just did."

"You're quite irritating aren't you?"

"Yeah well, get used to it."

He said now completely ignoring me, gosh it's not even a few minutes since met this guy and he's already getting on my nerves.

After class it was lunch, I tend to wonder around the school yard when my friends are not around, and right now that's what I'm doing it's mainly to avoid my bullies, why bully me yoy might ask? Well they think I'm from 'a family of corruption' which is just ridiculous it my mind.

I was just sitting under a tree until I heard a familiar voice, when peaked to see who it was, it was Sebastian. He looked like he was talking to the phone, well curiosity got the better of me and I decided to eavesdrop.

"Yes, grandfather I met him, he has quite the attitude but I will make sure the plan will go smoothly"

Plan? What plan? And who's him?  Is he planning something kidnapping someone maybe? When I backed up I stepped on a stick which made a loud cracking sound, I quickly hid behind the tree again and waited for a few seconds  before looking back, huh? He was gone?

"Stalking me are we know M. Landrix"

I jumped a little when I turned around he was staring at me with cold eyes.

"I wasn't stalking you I was just... curious"

He smirked, that goddamn smirk.

"Curious? Of me? How flattering, could it be that the son of the governor is possibly gay?"

I look at him with annoyance.

"Weither I'm gay or not is non of your business, and don't try to avoid what I heard"

"What do you mean?"

"You are planning to kidnap someone aren't you?"

He looked at me amusingly.

"You think I'm planning to kidnap someone? How amusing"

"Then explain what I heard."

"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you"

"Then- wait did you just call me dumb?"

"Look at that you finally understood something, happy for you kid."

He ruffled my hair which only caused me to glare at him.

"I am gonna find out what you're scheming"

I say walking away from him, and that's a promise.

Author: Bad grammar? Too bad because it's rushed I was suppose release this story today but chapter 1 got deleted so i rewrote it, also don't be afraid to comment my mistakes.

I will be releasing chapters weekly every saturday philipine time, anyways I got to walk my fish so buh bye 👋 see ya next chapter.

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