chapter 5

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Theo's POV

"What's the matter? You look like you want to murder me."

"What if I say I do"

I glare at him.

"I'd let you."

He smirked. Is his guy for real? No. Definitely lost his mind.

"Now, I have prepared you a schedule. You can thank me later"

He handed me a piece of paper.
8:00 to 1:00 classes
1:30 to 2:30 club activities (if there is one)
3:00 to 4:00 tutoring lessons.

"And my free time?"

"Don't be ridiculous you have lots of free time. Plus tutoring is practically a free time to hang out with me."

"Hanging out with you is not free time. Its practically saying jerking off is murder."

He chuckled.

"You and your dirty mind."

I rolled my eyes.

"If we're done here I'm leaving."

"Wouldn't you rather have a conversation with me?"

I scoff.

"Last thing I need is more irritating words coming from your mouth."

"I have lemon candies."

Just like that I was sold.

"Make it quick."

"Let's start off with... why do you hate me?"

I popped a candy in my mouth.

"We're mutuals I don't hate you."

"Don't lie to yourself... nor me."

"Fine. You want to know. Well let's start off on the first day of school. You were arrogant and practically called me short, dumb, and weak."

"I never said that is said that I am taller, smarter and more muscular then you."

"I believe in what I think. Next you started a rumor that I was gay and in love with you. Which is fucked up by the way."

"Are you not?"

"Of course I'm not gay or in love with you."

He scoffed.

"Well... what if we do say you're gay what's your preferences in men? Dream guy as the girls would say."

"I don't know tall men I guess."

"A bottom... how interesting"

My face turned red.

"It's my preferences! And don't assume my role in relationships."

He just shrugged.

"Anything else you want to tell me?"


"Alright next question. What do you know about Landrix family vault"

My eyes widened. How did he know?

*flashback 7 years ago when Theo was 10*

"Dad, what's this?"

I say as I was confused looking at the numbers my dad showed me

"That my son is the password to our family vault. Anyone who can guess it can have all the landrix wealth of they demand."

"But dad why would we have this kind of system?"

"Well, your grandfather was a... let's just say curious. He set up a vault and made the whole world guess the password but no one could. He also wanted to test how loyal his family can be and gave my mom and me the password. He wanted to check if we were loyal. And so we did we told no one about the password until he died but he told me in his will that anyone who could guess the password the money will be there's, then he put the money away on an island. So anyone who guessed the password can go there and never be disturbed. Only we know this password son. So don't go around telling ANYONE or our wealth would be gone in a snap of a finger."

I nodded.

"Has anyone come close to knowing the password?"

"There are some close calls but they're always wrong. Some even tried kidnapping a me or any member of the family but never succeeded."


"Promise you won't tell anyone?"


*end of flashback*

I kept that promise. And never told anyone because in my mind the lesser the people now about the vault the lesser they guessed the password the more we can keep our wealth. Selfish I know but life is life.

"Hello? Earth to Landrix"

I snapped out of my thoughts.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

He smirked.

"Don't play dumb with me. I've heard about the vault since my grandfather. He never solved it though. He was pretty weak."

This guy has the balls to call his grandfather weak.

"Well if you want more information find someone else. I'm not helping you."

I stand up and walked to the door.

"Don't worry I am working on it."

I just narrowed my at him and left.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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