chapter 4

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Theo's POV 3:15 pm

This was a bad idea. I knew this was a bad idea and yet I still agreed to it. I am about to get my ass beaten by 6'6 dude because of my idiotic decisions. I sighed to myself. Its going to be fine... just breath in and out. I open to door to see the room was quiet, not surprising since class ended at 1 but for a club it's too quiet.

"You're late."

I jumped when I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turn to see Sebastian leaning against a table crossing is arms. He looked elegant. As always.

"By 15 minutes. Its not that serious"

"It is to me. Some of us actually have important business's to attend to you know."

I snort.

"Like what? The hair salon?"

He didn't say anything. He seems to be in a bad mood today. He walked up to me giving me an annoyed look.

"Are just gonna stand there? Or are you gonna get in position."

Right. The fight. I gulped and my breath came out nervous. He smirked.

"Are you scared?"

"I'm not. Just uneasy."

"Hm, well don't worry I'll go easy on you, after all this is just to see if you have the basic skills to join the club."

"Why even make this club anyway? Its not like the schoolhas any use for this"

"For the school no. But for the students, Self defense can help students to protect themselves"

He does have a point.


I look at him and we got ready. Alright Theo this is your time to prove this bastard who's boss.


I narrowed my eyes at him. Before I would even blink he tackled me and put me in a head lock. I elbowed his stomach causing him to let go, then I tried to punch his jaw but he swiftly avoided it and punched me instead. I stumbled backwards vision blurring a bit, I wasn't gonna let him win. I dodged his fist and punched his shoulder but he just smirked and punched me square on the face knocking me out.

"Below average, we've got to work on your focus, aim, persistion and don't even get me started on your speed. You're to slow"

He rambled but I was not listening, my face hurts like hell. That bastard was not going easy. He crouched down at me I swear I saw a smirk.

"Are you alive? It'd be a pity if you're already dead."

After a few moments later, I got up he didn't even help me he just stared.

"Y-you bastard I thought you'd go easy on me!"

"I did go easy."

If that was his "going easy" on someone I don't even want to know what he could've done if he didn't.

"Damn it, my face hurts."

I rubbed my face.

"Did I pass?"

"Oh actually you didn't have to do this I just wanted to see how you fought. So you still could've got in no matter how bad you are."

He smiled at me.

"You've got to be kidding me! I did that for nothing?!"

"It wasn't all for nothing."

He walked to his backpack and pulled put what looked like test papers. He sat down on the chair beside a table then waved me over. I sighed walking up to him and sitting on the other chair facing him. He looked at me and the papers then he threw the paper infront of me showing MY grades. It had D's and C's.

"What is this suppose to be?"

"Your grades."

"I can see that, but why are they in your hands"

"Apparently you have terrible no horrible grades that even your dad noticed. So he hired me to tutor you"

You've got to be kidding me. First this guy was my classmate then he's my club mate and now he's my totur?

"You're kidding right?"

"Nope not even one bit."

He smiled and I just wanted to punch him then and there.

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