chap. 3

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"We should go out."

Bakugou and I had become closer throughout the weeks. He'd been visiting the workshop every day during the fourth period. So far I have found out that he is a huge All Might nerd. He doesn't rant about his interest, but he'll drop little facts that he knows about him. It's so cute. I still don't know why he keeps showing up. He said he had hearing problems and it's not like this place is silent. Maybe I'll figure it out soon. Like in this hangout.

"Why would I wanna hang out with you?" He asked as he put his feet up on my table. He had gotten more comfortable around me, as comfortable as Bakugou can be. He usually keeps a distance between us when he sits next to me. But recently he has been coming closer. For example, putting his crusty feet on my clean table.

"Well, you're the one that comes in here every day. Thought you would want a change in scenery." I glare at him with a 'you know I'm right' look as I push his feet off. "Fine. Yeah, where would we go?" He asked as he kicked my chair. He's such a baby. "The park. I wanna skate." I said as I kicked his shin. Ha! Payback. He scowled at the action and went to kick my ankle, but I scooted my chair away.

He kissed his teeth and rolled his eyes. "'Yes Vi. I would love to go to the park'", I mocked. "Thank you for agreeing, Bakugou. Let's go after school." I took out my phone and opened Instagram. I then handed my phone over to Bakugou with the search bar up. "Gimme your insta." I shook my phone for emphasis. He looked away then back at me and took my phone. "Desperate for followers. Huh?" He sarcastically asked as he typed in his username.

"What, no!? I just wanted your-" A smirk appeared on his face. "Stop joking!!" I semi-yelled as I snatched my phone back. I saw that his account was private. "Someone wants to be mysterious," I said as I checked out his bio. Your future #1. He's really trying to manifest this. "No! I just don't random people in my business." He said as he took out his phone and accepted my follow request. I checked his page and...are you serious.

"Your business is one post. And it's gym equipment."

"They don't need to know what gym I go to."


Finally, fresh air.

I've been in that stuffy corner for so long that I forget what the sun felt like. I bought the skateboard that I randomly got in 2020 cause I had the 'skater girl aesthetic'. I did not. But skateboarding is still fun.

"Wait, you can actually skate? Thought you were joking." I heard Bakugou as he entered the park. He was wearing green cargo pants, a black tank top, with black combat boots. Wow, amazing style. "Yes, I can. Don't doubt me." I sassed as I pushed off. Gaining speed I looked behind me and yelled out to him. "Catch me!" I called out as I went down a hill. "Hey! Wait up!" He screamed as he started to run down the hill.

I made it pretty far until he basically tackled me to the floor. I shrieked after impact, I didn't think he would catch up to me that fast. We rolled on the ground for a while 'til we came to a stop. I looked around then I looked up and saw Bakugou staring at me with a scrunched face.

"Caught you," he muttered as he scanned my face.

"You sure did." I giggled as I pushed him off.

"Get off me ya big himbo." I teased as I got up and brushed myself off. I held out my hand to help him up, but he pushed it away. "I am not a himbo." He got up and caught my skateboard. "Yeah, yeah. Ooo, I should teach you how to skate." I said as he tried to hand the skateboard back to me. He looked at me with curiosity, then gave a cocky smirk. "Sure, whatever. Bet I'm a natural anyway."


How'd I get here?

Standing on a damn stateboard with Vi by my side. What is wrong with me? "I can hold your hand if you need help balancing." She said, holding out her palm. "I don't need your help!" I yelled as I stood up straight. I knew I'd be a natural at this. "Fine, then go." She said in a snarky tone while crossing her arms. "I will," I paused for a few seconds. "Push me," I demanded. I could totally push myself. But, I felt that she wanted to help somewhat. "Oh geez," she said as she walked over and did what I asked.

This is easy. I rolled down the path at a reasonable pace, pushing to make me go faster. I started to dodge the crack on the path accelerating my speed. "Bakugou you may want to slow down!" I heard Vi yell from afar. I looked back at her and saw her running to catch up with me. "I'm fine, moron, I told you this would be-" I spoke too soon. I looked in front of me again and saw a tiny pebble in the middle of the path. "Woahh!" I screamed as I tripped over the pebble. I didn't want to fall in front of her, that would be embarrassing. So, I did that weird almost falling save.



What was that? I whip my head around to see Vi... cackling. Loudly. I've never heard her be that loud. I think this is the most personality I've gotten from her. It's nice. "What the hell was that Bakugou?! You looked so dopey!" She giggled as she started to shrink to the floor.

"Shut the fuck up! It wasn't that funny." I said composing myself. That was way more embarrassing. "It was. It really was." She's rolling on the floor now. She's so unserious. "'M sorry. Sorry," She stood back up. "You should try again. You were doing well." I still heard her giggling as she walked closer to me. I grunted and started to walk away. "No, I don't want to get on that death board again." I sneered as I kicked the pebble that got in my way. "Wait! Please go again. I can teach you tricks." She went to grab her skateboard while pleading.

"Do you really want to teach me?"






Bakugou is so funny. Under that tough exterior is just an awkward boy with social issues. I should've known based on the way he talks...or yells. Anyway, I taught him the basics of an ollie. He's working on it so I can't judge him yet. "I can see you being a real skater in the future," I said, picking up my board. "I don't have time for that wack shit." He said starting to walk. I followed him with his long stride. "First off, rude. And second you basically got the aesthetic down. Just need more baggy clothes." I said, gesturing to his outfit. "Oh whatever nerd," He looked down at his phone. "The hag wants me back home."

"The who?"

"My mom."

"You call your mom hag? That's crazy. And you're going home? What about the dorms?" I said, giving him a disappointed glare. "She likes me home on the weekends. Bye." He turned to walk the other way. "Oh, okay. Byeee." I waved at him and went the other way.

The day at the park was completed.

word count- 1278

A/N: Hey yall this one is so bad. anyone catch the sk8 ref. hehe anyway trying best and if you made it this far thank you for reading. Have an amazing day! byeee ;)

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