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No one had come to check on
me after I'd run back upstairs.

That was typical of my fathers.

I'd learned to care for myself in most things early on, including taking my vitamins every day.

I got out of the shower and
dried myself off.

I'd tried cold, hot, everything
but my erection would not flag even after I'd spurted just
barely missing my leather

And slick still clung to my hole.

The outside world drew me
like never before.

Naked, I went to my window
and opened the blackout shutters.

From here, all I could see was the dark acreage of the
backside of the property.

And the pool.

Cross-shaped, it glimmered
like something alive.

It was early summer.

Often at this time of year, I'd sneak from the house, turn on the underwater pool lights and swim in the moonlight after everybody had gone to bed.

Papa didn't forbid night swims
but he wanted to be informed
if I was outside.

He wanted to be with me.

He was the one who taught
me how to swim when I was around five years old.

But when I got older, I ignored the demand that he come with me and if he saw me outside without his permission, he
never said a word.

I wasn't allowed beyond the locked garden gate but sometimes I went to the
side yard facing the front.

I'd climb one of the trellises against the wall and peek
over the edge to the street.

The streetlights were all
sodium, so never hurt my
eyes if I didn't stare directly
at them.

From my window, I looked
across our land.

The driveway came around to
the side of the house and I
could make out the darker
curve of it against the grass
and flowerbeds.

In the driveway, I saw
Jungkook's car.

There was a faint bluish light coming from the inside.

Suddenly, the headlights came on and the car drove quickly down to the street, vanishing into the darkness.

My chest trembled.

Where had he gone?

Did he have a place to stay
for the night?

Would he actually return?

My entire body and mind
yearned to know.

He had promised to marry
me but what were his true feelings?

Like me, was he unsure?


The what-ifs would not stop.

What if, even though we
matched physically, after we
got to know each other he disliked me?

What if all my babies were
born with UV sensitivity?

I knew it was a family trait on Papa's side.

When I was ten, I overheard
him talking about his uncle
who was "a demon like me."

Maybe Jungkook wouldn't
want my children.

Our children.

I turned away from the
window, my cock bobbing in
front of me, slick thickening
my behind.

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