5 (I)

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"Nice train this isn't it? Although not as nice as one I went on a few years back made of quartz. It crashed though."

"Um, Doctor?"
You pull her out of her head and she stares at where your hand is pointing behind her.

What seems like a coil of wires barges into the carriage, sparkling with electricity. You remember seeing one before. It sends out a shock and you feel your collarbone warm with a beep before wincing at a sharper burn and seeing a spark of regeneration energy.

"Ow!" One of them says. He smacks his collarbone as if to trap a mosquito and rubs it with a sour look on his face.

"Did you feel that too?" A woman asks. She steps forward, dressed in a police uniform and looks around the small circle of people, nodding at a flashing dot of red in everyone's collarbones. Everyone's but yours, which is covered with your hair.

The Doctor gasps. "DNA bombs. They're definitely outlawed."

She turns back to the coil and using her screwdriver, shocks it. The shock passes through the live coils until it reaches the centre and it falls limp.

"Reversed the polarity, oh yeah!"

An older looking man starts to put his hand up to say something, but the Doctor raises her eyebrows and speaks instead. "I shocked it, so we're safe for now, but I need to leave and take it away from here before it re-animates itself."

Her head turns again. "What is it?" She asks the others.
"I don't know," the younger woman answers, "it was here when we arrived."

"I know what it is." You raise your glowing hand. "Jack and I came across one once on a Stenza ship. It's a gathering coil, or rather multiple, used to gather information. The Stenza are famous for using them in espionage. If a coil is here, chances are we're dealing with a Stenza."

"Stenza? As in another species? You're not saying we're dealing with aliens are you?" The woman asks again. She pulls out her phone and dials a number. The doctor puts out her hand.

"Woah there, who are you calling?"

"My office. I need to report what's happened so we can get help."

"Report? And what are you going to say miss...," she looks at her badge, "Yasmin Khan."

Yasmin flushes. "I'm going to tell them we were attacked."

"By an alien coil used in espionage? That's believable isn't it?"

"Well I need to tell them something. We've been attacked, it's a matter for the law."

"It seems as if that's not the only crime committed." You say.
Stepping over the inactive coils, you stop at an unmoving arm of a woman.

You turn around. "It got someone Doctor."

She moves to where you're standing, scanning her screwdriver before double checking her pulse anyway.

"Poor girl." The older woman says.

"She died of shock, not violence I think. But it's still not right."
Her screwdriver buzzes in Yasmin's face, the Doctor pressing the button strongly.
"You're right, justice needs to be brought, but we won't get it with the police just yet Yasmin. Let us find out stuff first and we'll fill them in later, yeah?"

You pick her up and lay her across some seats, then pick up the coils and hold them out for the Doctor to take her coat off and put them in.
"Did you call the ambulance?" You look up at older woman.
"Graham did," she points at the older man, "they said they would be 10 minutes."

The Doctor looks at you and nods. "We need to be quick then. Would anyone mind staying with her to explain to them what happened?" She winces. "Minus a few parts."

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