A Go Kart Hit his Van

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5 AM came quickly as Elmo rose from his bed and shot his alarm clock with his Fortnite nerf gun he kept under his pillow. Gabby had turned into a translucent night light overnight, so he was able to see that Yellow 8 foot duck bird named Big Bird had already entered his home for the carpool. Elmo yawned, as Big Bird walked over to Elmos bedside and grabbed him and pulled him over his shoulder.

"Your van got hit by a go kart. thats why thats the title of thiz chapter" Bird Big expressed. His eyes met Elmo.

"Ok, i guess i gotta ride you again" Elmo side.

They traveled in this position for 3 miles(Elmo likes long hallways) and finally reached the kitchen. They stopped at Elmos fridge. At the fridge he dropped elmo and skipped over to the limbless baby, Elmos and his sister new born baby. Elmo gathered his breakfast and a bottle of his dead sisters milk.

After everyone was fed, big bird let elmo climb on his head and then took off into the sky. With 5 minutes to spare, they reached the studio to get ready to work. Elmo passed through the secuirty metal scanner things easily, but as usual Big Bird stopped and asked our security guard Blind Amy to give him his pat down. Elmo was usually forced wait for him, it could take hours, but today he was off the hook. Elmo quickly escaped the enteance and right as he was turning the corner to go into the breakroom, something, or someone, fell out of the cieling behind him causing him to topple over.

Who could this person be?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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