Flowers in the backseat

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"What's taking you so long?" Lisa asked in a sad tone. She was on her phone with Jennie, her girlfriend.

"I stopped by some place to buy something for you hehe." Jennie giggled looking the backseat. She was smiling the whole drive to Lisa's workplace.

"I missed you." Lisa mumbled, she did miss her girlfriend. They were city away from each other because of work but that didn't stop both of them to love each other.

"I missed you too baby.. I'll be there. Wait for me."

"I will. Be careful."

"Yep, I will."

Lisa waited as the time goes by, but exactly thirty minutes passed, twenty minutes ago Jennie should've came already but there was none.

"Got a call xxx street, car collisions. One dead on the spot, let's go!" Lisa heard, she didn't know but her heart is nervously beating fast. Everyone got in the ambulance expect Lisa who was almost hyperventilating. "Lisa? Are you okay?"

But Lisa couldn't give an answer instead she was panicking, she couldn't breathe properly until one of her colleagues made her take a seat while the others went to the scene.

"Are you good now? What happened?" Her colleague asked, he was fanning her and gave her a glass of water."

"Can we go after them? I wanna go to the scene."

When they got to the area, Lisa's heart broke when she saw a familiar car almost crushed by the big truck. She ran out the car immediately went to see the familiar car. Jennie's car, her girlfriend's car.

When she opened the door, something made her even more cry.

There were flowers in the backseat. A bouquet of sunflowers were lying down the backseat, unharmed.

Lisa broke down at the sight. If she didn't insist Jennie to visit her, this wouldn't happen.

"Hey.. are you okay?" A colleague asked.

"This.. this is my girlfriend's car.. I'm not okay.. she's-"

"Baby?" Upon hearing the voice, Lisa turned around to see a live Jennie with a cast on her right arm and a bandaged forehead.


"Baby, I'm okay, I'm fine- gwencha-(joke!)

"Baby I'm okay, just some scratches but overall I'm good."

Lisa jumped to her girlfriend and gave her the tightest hug she could give, forgetting that the latter was injured.

"Ow! Ow! Owwww!" Jennie whimpered. "Baby it hurts.."

"I'm sorry.. oh god! Where did it hurt?!"

Jennie pointed her lips and pouted. "Here."

"Silly..." Lisa gave Jennie a peck and a hug again, burying her face on Jennie's neck. "I was so worried I lost you. Please.. always drive safe."

"I was driving safe.. I'd always drive safe to see you again." Jennie said and looked at the truck that caused everything. "It was the truck that lost control and crashed to me. I was fast enough to jump out before I got crushed."

"But the good thing is I'm here..  I'll never leave you Lisa. I won't."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 07 ⏰

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