7- Troubling Agreement

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A shadow quickly crossed the opaque water. It moved left and right, until it came upon the red sports car almost buried under the sand. The shadow stopped, moved forward and entered the car. Inside was still Jin Ling, who had dozed off.

-Jin Ling.

The shadow began to shake the newt, who was having trouble waking up.

-Jin Ling!

The boy finally fluttered his eyelids and stared at the man who had awakened him. After regaining lucidity, he threw himself into the newcomer's arms.

-Oh my God, Sizhui!

-I'm here now. It's all right.

He put a reassuring hand on his back and the two stayed like that for a while. Then they reluctantly parted.

-What are you doing here? asked Jin Ling.

-That's my question," retorted the other.

-I managed to escape with the help of two humans. But the two... They're in a bad way! I blame myself... I'd so much like to help them. But I'm just a weakling on the surface.

-We all are, A-Ling. Don't think you're responsible. If we can find Hanguang-jun, we'll surely be able to help them.

Jin Ling stared at him for a moment.

-That's easier said than done. I have no idea where he is.

Lan Sizhui smiled mischievously.

-I do.


Wei Wuxian slowly opened his eyes. This time, he wasn't tied up, but he felt oppressed by the dozens of armed men all over the room.

-Oh, you're awake.

Wei Wuxian turned towards the voice, and his face tightened when he saw Wen Chao, sitting comfortably in a chair. Farther on, two soldiers arrived in a hurry. Between their arms lay Wen Ning, horribly weak.

-Wen Ning!

The two soldiers threw him unceremoniously to the ground, and bowed to Wen Chao.

-Sir, the newt escaped us. However, we caught the culprit.

-Tss... How could you let him get away?! I paid him over a million dollars!

-We're sorry, masters. The driver here sank his car. Newt saved his life and got away.

Wen Chao grumbled, then suddenly stood up and violently punched Wen Ning.

-I offered you a job and this is how you thank me?! You little prick! My father has done so much for you! And you steal my most precious thing!

He kept kicking her in the face. Wei Wuxian rose to intervene but was stopped dead in his tracks by two soldiers.

-Alala... You're pitiful, my poor cousin. You don't have your license, you don't have your car, and you've been fined horribly.

He moved closer to him and stared at him with eyes filled with madness.

-And I can add another layer. I can fire you, sue you, take everything away from you and you can't do a thing.

He stood up and laughed.

-I could send out marine patrols to search every nook and cranny of the coast. The kid would soon be back in my hands.

He paused for a moment. Then he turned to Wei Wuxian, who was looking at him angrily.

-Well, I'm not that mean. I'm willing to leave you and the kid alone, but only on one condition. I want Wei Wuxian's body in exchange.

The two friends widened their eyes. Wen Ning stood up suddenly.

-No! It's okay, take it all! But please don't do anything to Wei Wuxian...

Wen Chao looked down at him, laughing out loud. There was silence again.

-It's a deal.

Wen Chao opened his eyes wide and turned to Wei Wuxian.

-If you respect your bounty, then I'll give you what you want. I'm the one who dragged Wen Ning into this anyway.

Wen Chao stared at him. He'd never imagined, even in his wildest dreams, that Wei Wuxian would accept so quickly. He approached him and smiled, his lips pressed to his ear.

-Now that's something nice to hear.

He finally left, ordering his soldiers to leave. The two friends found themselves alone, and Wen Ning pounced on Wei Wuxian. He took him by the collar and looked into the whites of his eyes.

-Why did you agree to this?! That madman will never spare you!

-I know.

-You're gonna suffer!

-I know I will.

-This guy's a lunatic! There's still time to change your mind!

Wei Wuxian straightened up and removed his friend's fist from his collar.

-Wen Ning. This is my decision. You don't have to lose everything just because I asked you a favor. I'd much rather you and Jin Ling be safe than me.

Wen Ning didn't know what to say.

-Xian... Wen Chao must be hiding something... I'm afraid of what might happen to you.

-What makes you say such a thing?

-The alarm. It went off despite the power cut. And controls were already in place throughout the city. I'm thinking... That our plan was destined to fail from the start, and that Wen Chao did all this to get what he wanted...

-Don't scare yourself like that, Wen Chao isn't that clever. Besides, he wouldn't give up something he'd paid dearly for anything in the world.

-But maybe he just hadn't envisaged that Jin Ling would manage to leave...

Wei Wuxian shrugged.

-Right, then. Tomorrow, let's pretend nothing's happened. No one must suspect we've done anything.

Wen Ning nodded shyly. The two finally left the building.


At the other end of town, Lan Wangji was leaning against a pillar, facing the water. He kept his eyes closed, looking as if he were concentrating.


He suddenly opened his eyes to hear his disciple calling him. Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling had just arrived, and sat down on the bank. Jin Ling bowed politely.

-Second Master Lan.

-Young master Jin. How are you feeling?

-I'm fine... However, Wei Wuxian and his friend have been caught.

Lan Wangji showed no emotion, but a deep anger seized him. He clutched Wei Wuxian's red headband in his hand.

-Something's happened," said the adult. An alarm went off when I cut the electricity. I'm not sure what happened...

-What do we do now," asked Jin Ling.

-I'll take care of that. You two find somewhere to hide and stay there until I get back.

The two teenagers stared at each other, then at the adult.

-Okay," Lan Sizhui finished. I wish you luck.

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