21- Injury

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When Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji returned to the camp, they immediately realised that something was wrong.

-Where's Jiang Cheng? asked Wei Wuxian.

Lan Xichen sighed and looked at them calmly.

-I said the wrong thing and he left. Better leave him alone for now.

Further on, Nie Mingjue was catching fish. He had seen Jiang Cheng leave earlier, but didn't know why he had done so. Hearing Lan Xichen's words, he frowned and approached.

-I don't know what you said to him, but he seemed really angry. What did you talk about?

Lan Xichen didn't answer, so Nie Mingjue didn't insist.

-He'd better come back,' said Lan Wangji. We'll be leaving soon, won't we?

-Yes, we will.

-I'll go and look for him,' said Wei Wuxian.

So he separated from the group and set off to find his brother. Lan Wangji watched him go warily.

-We shouldn't split up. I don't think Jin Guangyao would let us get away so easily. If we split up, we risk being more vulnerable.

-Yes, we'll tell them when they come back.

Wei Wuxian finally found Jiang Cheng, who was standing on a rock. He sat down next to him.

-Hi, Jiang.


-How are things?

-I'm fine.

-What did you and cult leader Lan talk about?


-It's all right if you don't want to tell me. But we've got to get back to camp, we're leaving.

Jiang Cheng huffed and sat up. He grabbed Wei Wuxian's wrist and started to drag him towards the camp. However, a few meters further on, he froze. Then, in a split second, he dragged Wei Wuxian behind a rock, out of sight. Wei Wuxian was lost.

-Jiang Ch...

-Shhh, there's something outside.

Just then, a huge, horrible fish passed by. Wei Wuxian was dazed. As the fish passed, the two of them got out.

-What's that? asked Wei Wuxian.

-It's not a normal fish, there's no such thing as one this big, or bigger...

-You mean it's an old fish.

-The Tower of the Golden Carp has a veritable underground fortress full of dangerous things. I'm sure it was Jin Guangyao who sent it.

-If that's the case, then we need to warn the others.

The two gave each other a knowing look and rushed towards the camp. But no sooner had they left their hiding place than the fish returned and pounced on them. The two narrowly avoided the attack and ended up separated. The fish pounced on Wei Wuxian, who was trying to flee. But he was beginning to tire and the fish caught up with him. And just as he was about to reach a small cavity where he could hide, he felt the fish grab him in its mouth. As he clung to a rock, the teeth tore into Wei Wuxian's body and he began to bleed. Seeing it was useless, the beast moved away and Wei Wuxian took the opportunity to slip into the hiding place. He was in terrible pain and the blood was still coming out. What's more, the fish started bumping into the walls of the cave to open it up. Wei Wuxian had nowhere to go, and little by little his vision became blurred. Inexplicably, the fish finally moved away. Wei Wuxian barely had time to sigh before he fainted.


When he woke up, he had a terrible headache. He slowly opened his eyes, but only darkness greeted him. His whole body ached.

-Are you awake?

Wei Wuxian recognised Jiang Cheng's voice. This reassured him a little.

-My brother... What's happened?

His voice was weak.

-You were injured by the fish. I managed to bring you here, but the other monster blocked the entrance and tried to destroy the passage.

-You mean we're stuck here?

-I'm afraid so.


-It doesn't look good. You've been hurt pretty badly. If we don't get out and find some medicine...

Wei Wuxian sighed and closed his eyes. Jiang Cheng walked over to him, took his hand and checked his pulse.

-How are you feeling?


Jiang Cheng sighed. He looked up at the rubble-clogged exit.

-Does Lan Wangji still have the blindfold you gave me?

-Yes, I think so. Do you think he'll be able to find us with it?

-I hope so.

Wei Wuxian didn't answer. He finally closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Wei Wuxian woke up suddenly. When he saw that he was in a room, he sighed. Slowly, he got to his feet and left the room, looking for other people. Judging by the architecture, he guessed he was at the Cloud Recess.

He advanced into the building and admired what lay before him. When he reached the outside, he noticed that the landscape was nothing like that surrounding the Golden Carp Tower. The place was peaceful, and the Lan clan must have been really happy here.

But something wasn't right.

It was too quiet. Wei Wuxian hadn't seen anyone since he woke up. Yet several details showed that the place was not deserted.

Suddenly, Wei Wuxian heard a loud noise. Alerted, he rushed in and gently opened the shutter that led to another room, much larger than the others.

When he saw what was happening there, Wei Wuxian froze.

On one side of the room stood a marginal newt, his arm bleeding, shouting abuse.

On the other were Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji, and between them was Jiang Cheng, on the floor, tears in his eyes despite his black gaze.

When he reached the room, Lan Wangji turned to Wei Wuxian. He went over to him and led him outside.

-Lan Zhan? What's the matter?

-There's a problem, you'd better go out.

-What's wrong?

-Old traumas have come up.

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