Part four - Not a killer

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"So what? He admits to letting them die and we just tell them to hop right out of here? What's wrong with you?" Mary's voice is altitudes over what's acceptable, but she doesn't seem to care. Big sister or not, these men were what she'd been looking for this whole time, she couldn't let them go.

"We're not killers, M, we got what we wanted. We spent years asking what the hell happened to them, why the Winchesters left them for dead, and now we know. They did what we would've done. It's over."

"What we would've done— are you hearing yourself? These are our goddamn parents you're talking about, no, I would not have done that." They're both yelling at each other, almost screaming, in the research room, and it scares Melissa a little because they've never been like this before. She's always had the authority in the house, older and all that, but even if Mary did question it, she'd never go this far.

"We're hunters, of course, we would've."

"Not to our—"

"I'm done with this, Mary. If you don't like it, come take the damn keys from my hands, go inside there, and kill them, but just to be clear, I ain't making it easy on you."

It isn't that Mary's weak, because of course she isn't, or that Melissa's stronger, just that Melissa's magic always puts her at an advantage, that and the fact that she's never scared to play dirty, whatever that means to her.

"You're a bitch, you know that?" Mary throws Dean's words at her sister but Mel just shrugs, walking over to the room where she left the boys and Dumah, but to her surprise, they're gone.

"Great, now we have a target on our backs and it's the damn Winchesters."


"Do you think this is another—" Sam tried but Dean cut him off with an over dramatic shiver.

"Don't even think about it, he's the one who helped us out, we're fine." Sam nods and they keep walking till their phones finally get signals and they call Bobby to come get them. He's never been to the girl's bunker so it takes a little over an hour for him to make it to where they are, the whole time the two boys are tense, almost waiting for someone to come get them.

Sam's overthinking doesn't end the second he's in the car and no longer awaiting an attack. Weirdly, Dumah let them go. Well, not really, he just left the room and they were no longer tied up so... he didn't technically do anything but he must've known the boys would've found a way out. Was he scared that the Rhodes would kill Sam and Dean?

Sam doesn't think they're capable of murder, not that he's their lawyer or anything, but from what he's seen, they just seem broken. Lost. Looking for answers. Much like Sam and Dean were when they were looking for Yellow Eyes. And he gets it, Dean killed their mum and dad, why on earth would they let it go for so many years, is the real question, and the fact that they're hunters makes it worse too. They knew something bad must've happened.

It must have been awful, living for years with the fact that the men that killed your parents were out there, and worse of all, some of the most known hunters out there. Sam and Dean weren't celebrities, sure, but there isn't a supernatural hunter or being that doesn't know who they are, whether it be because the boys stopped the apocalypse (and started it) or simply because they saved a family, or because they have books written about them, it could be for a million reasons.

That has to hurt. A lot, especially now that the two men they wanted to kill so bad had admitted to it and escaped. Dean hasn't been soft either, he's been disrespectful the whole time to human girls who lost their human parents.

Sam isn't holding anything against them, he gets it.

"Hey, man," Dean says from the passenger's seat, catching Sam's attention from where he's sulking in the back. "You good?"

"Yeah, just thinking."

"We'll get them, don't worry."

Bobby scoffs, "Like hell, you will." And it's the first time he's talking to them since they got in the car.

"What do you mean? They kidnapped us, knocked you out, and got an angel to mess with our heads. Of course, they're on our hit list." Dean voices his anger and it doesn't sit right with Sam. They were just scared. And we were assholes, he thinks.

"You idiots won't lay a finger on 'em, you get me? These girls meant no harm." He takes a left and parks the car in his shop, looking at Dean now. "You got it, boy?"

He lets out a breath and leaves the car, slamming its door so hard Sam can still hear it ringing in his ears long after he's got out and set up the couch to sleep on. It's been a long day and he isn't in the mood to drive back to the bunker, and because they both have a freak-telepathy thing, it's decided they'll spend the night here.

But it still doesn't sit right with Sam. Even if they meant no harm, why leave the room the way they did? They seemed angry, and the boys could hear the argument they were having in the dungeon. He knows one thing though, he's never been a killer, and he won't start now.

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