Part six - Kappa

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"Mary?" Mel's voice echoed through the phone and into her sister's ear. "I was worried sick about you yesterday, where are you?"

"I'm fine."

"Yeah? What does that entail, exactly?" Mary doesn't need to answer to Mel, no matter how much older than her she was. She wasn't her mom.

"You're either with me or the Winchesters. I'm not teaming up with murderers." Mel sighs, exhaustion evident in her voice. She tried her best to be the big sister Mary needs but sometimes she doesn't make it easy. She doesn't respect Mel like she should a guardian, because she's always answered to their mum and dad. Now that they're gone, it's gotten incredibly harder to keep the younger Rhodes in check.

"Mary, I'm your sister, please listen to me, I only want what's best for you. They're good people, and they're helping us. They know Garth. They know Bobby. Why would these people trust them if they were murderers?" Mel was desperate at this point, she'd try anything.

"Did you forget that these two started the damn apocalypse?"

"They ended it too." She argued.

"Oh well, thank god for that. How would we have stopped it without them? Oh, that's right, we wouldn't need to because it wouldn't have happened."

"You're stupid."

"Shut up." They both let out a small laugh simultaneously. They don't like to fight, but they don't know how else to talk unless they're yelling at one another. It's one of the things their parents always lectured them about, how often they have a scream-fest.

"Please, Mary—"

"I'm sorry," Mary says sincerely as she stops in front of the bar she was walking to now that she doesn't have her sister to drive her around, "but this time, I'm right. Mum and dad would want us to forgive them, I know that. But I don't care, because they're not here."

She hangs up and takes a deep breath, disabling her GPS and stuffing her phone down her jeans pocket. She sits on the bar, ordering a rum with Diet Coke. She lays her notebook on the bar and starts unfolding the events of the murder in her mind all over again.

What connection do the victims even have? Taylor Castro, the first victim, and Gwen Hurly were both college students. She hadn't talked to anyone from Gwen's college yet but everyone in Taylor's said that he was rather rude. When asked if he had any known enemies, the students couldn't help but scoff.

Werewolves don't usually need a motive, unless they're vengeful, they just need to eat. But Mary had checked out the morgue, and it did not seem like a werewolf. Whatever this thing is, it was much more dangerous than any werewolf she's ever seen. It had ruined parts of a human that other human's wouldn't touch no matter how sick in the head. But why?

The body hadn't exactly been teared from limb to limb, in fact, it seemed intact except for the chest and backside being ripped open.

"Here you go, pretty lady." The bartender smiles and Mary does so back, nodding slightly. She usually wants a quick one-night-type of thing whenever she's in a town. Maybe she can take him when she's done with the case.

But for now, she chooses to focus, writing down her every thought about the case. It was never easy for Mel and Mary to solve cases, they don't like playing detective, but Mary was exceptionally good at it, opting to stabilize her theories and train of thought.

She sips the rum and coke before writing; 'Not werewolf. Not vampire. 2 victims are college student. Killed by an animal? Police say no witness. Different locations. Vic's families said they were going to study. Both vics go to college.'

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