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I had quickly thrown on my pyjamas.And answered the call.

Lucia's voice rung through the phone as she asked

"Are you pregnant or something?"

I was confused

I responded

"What?,Wait let me turn on camera"

She exclaimed

"There is a rumour that you are"

I replied

"Absolutely fucking not.Me and Caleb use protection".

She said confused

"Hans.He said you were".

I raised my eyebrows and sarcastically said

"Are you?"

She laughed and considered for a second

"Probably not,I mean unless my girlfriend is secretly a man"

I looked into her eyes and chuckled

And said inquisitively

"Anyway,what would Hans know about that stuff?.He is too busy running marathons to his dinner plate to get a date"!

She looked, hiding her laughter

"You can't say that,even if it is true"

She smiled and said

"How are you,Today didn't go well"

I responded

"Aye,I'm alright ,I guess .I mean.I am worried about Caleb"!

She looked worried

"Ja Me too,that poor boy just lost his dad in such a horrendous way"

I said

"Aye he did.Can we not talk about that, though?Did you know he was on the news once for winning the junior hockey league,by five points."

She said excitedly

"What seriously?"

I said rapidly

"Aye,you can google it"

Her camera turned off.

She smiled as she said

"Yes he is,I thought you were joking.I thought it was just the local news he was on"


I said

"Talking about Caleb actually,Should we add him to the call or Should I call him separately"

She said with a serious face

I said jokingly

"We should add Aud"

She said seriously

"Definitely not,When Caleb's on call.She will trigger him or something"

I said seriously

"Aye she will"

I then returned to joking responded

"She makes me want to pull the trigger on a gun in the middle of my head when she is around"

She laughed.

Her green eyes lit up as she put a filter on.

She made a cheeky remark saying

"I don't know but her small her head makes me want to pew,pew"

I vocalized my opinion by saying

"For real"

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