Lights,Cameras,Action Part two.

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Chapter 8 (Lights camera accion part 2)

The king stopped and watched me.As the entire hall stared at us.Camera's blinded us as we passed through the school.I could hear the slightest pin drop as we slowly made our way out the door.I stared into the distance and could see a figure like person stand.

The headteachers voice rung in the hall announcing

"It's Christmas break starting tomorrow.Happy holidays everyone"

I looked away and focused my eyes again.It was gone.I could see the world remain dizzy as I walked as if it was nothing.

We slowly made our way back to the outside cold.The king said

"Mr Murray.You can sit next to me.You too, Mrs Andersson."

Cameras followed us until even as we stepped into the frigid.Cold.I felt happy and sad to be there.I didn't even know what to say.The king smiled as we entered his limo.The LED lights lit up under the seats.And drinks were laid out next to us all.The heating warmed my cold skin.

The king turned around.And his soft eyes cracked a smile and said to us

"I am proud of you both.You did a better job than I would have in your scenario"

He asked

"So you are both Scottish?"

Caleb said

"Kind of"

I responded

"My dad is Norwegian, and my mum is Scottish.

The king had proud in his eyes as replied

"I can tell you are Norwegian.You have a mixed Scottish and Norwegian accent."

We drove away from the swarms of flashing cameras and the king asked

"We don't have to go straight home,I can take you guys to see the palace,skaugum.It is only an hour or two away.Lunch can be quickly arranged."

King Apollo blue eyes lit up as he said

"Ja,I will get it called in for"

I looked up, hiding the tears in my eyes and corresponded

"Of course.That sounds nice, sir."

He said

"I will personally excuse your absences from school"

I looked Caleb in the eyes.

As we drove past the hills.I could see Caleb sadly staring out the window.

The look of pure sadness displayed in the very way he sat.I grabbed Caleb's hand and questioned

"Are you sure you are OK"

He whispered


The king asked

"So, what is your favourite hockey team, son?"

Caleb continued to look out the window.I tapped his shoulder,And he glanced at me.He bounced his leg as he glanced into the icy abyss.

He wiped the tear in his eye and said

"Vålerenga.They are my favourite team"

I told the king in Norwegian

"Caleb is upset.Just give him a second"

The king looked seriously and responded

"Of course I will."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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