Haunter - mashley

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The wind screaming in my ear muffled the sound of Mitch's frantic yells. Something slimy feeling slithered over my foot, spreading goosebumps through my leg, causing me to scream and run farther away. My lungs seared from running and I was struggling to gasp for breath. Suddenly, an intense stinging feeling pulsed through my right foot, causing me to grasp my leg. I lost my balance as a result and tumbled to the ground with a harsh shriek. Hot tears poured from my eyes, crying out for Mitch. My efforts were to no avail as my screams were lost in the foggy air. Glancing at my injured limb, I caught sight of a steady flow of crimson blood and a small shard of white, assuming that was my bone.

"Oh god." I cried, throwing my head back to the ground.

"Ashley..." a voice echoed. "Ashley, come here." the voice soothed.

"Please, leave me alone!" I screeched. The voice laughed as it faded away. I screamed in agonizing pain as I stood up and began shuffling away. The fog cleared slightly just as I entered a small clearing. "Mitch!" I yelled, praying to find him soon and end this nightmare. A twig snapped from behind me and I slowly turned around, being faced with a shadowed figure in a black hood. I screamed, falling to the ground and quickly backing away. "Mitch please help!"

"Ashley! Ashley where are you?!" Mitch yelled back, somewhat close now. The man had disappeared into the fog.

"I'm here, I can't tell exactly where , but I'm here!"

"Ashley... Come hereee" the voice was back. Hearing shuffling, I believed Mitch had finally found me and let my guard down. The person bent down and touched my shoulder lightly, allowing me to relax slightly. I felt my eyes get slightly heavier, sleep looming. I was utterly exhausted and I felt safe with a touch that felt familiar. But how could I? Not in a place like this nor at a time like this. I shook my head slightly and turned to face Mitch, or who I thought had been Mitch. I was terrified to be met with a large white grin. That was all that was visible to me, the bright, snow colored teeth stood out in the dreary night time darkness.

"Get away from me!" I squealed, pushing the man away from my body, once again squirming away. An eerie, wicked laugh echoed through the air. Movement throughout my body stopped as I backed as far as possible into a bush, I ignored the pain of the thorny branched plant sticking into my skin. Frantically using my hands to search for a weapon, my cracked hand shakily brushed over a thick, stickery twig with a sharp point and gripped it greedily. A figure moved into sight and I immediately tensed and prepared to attack. The man cautiously moved through the clearing, apparently searching for me. He turned away and I did not hesitate to seize my opportunity to end this. "You should have left me alone!" I yelled, jumping onto his back and driving the wooden branch through his chest. Crying out in agonizing pain, he fell to the ground with a whimper.

"Why?" he whispered. A look of devastation crossed my face.

"No, no no NO!" I fell to my knees sobbing. "Mitch, why!?" his face was sorrowful, full of pain and discomfort. "Please don't leave, babe." I ripped my jacket off and pressed it to his chest, where blood was spilling from its flesh prison. His eyes were glossy and a small, steady trickle of blood poured from his left nostril.

"I love you..." he murmured, almost incoherently. His eyes closed for the last time, his heart ceased to beat.

"Mitch!" I violently sobbed. I was doubled over, fighting for air. A sudden sharp pain rumbled through my side, causing me to scream once more and fall backwards. My spine tingled, tears fell, my breathing slowed. "Why?" I simply asked in a whisper.

"I found you." Mitch shrugged, throwing a bloody knife to the dirt.

"Screw you." I spat blood in his face. He shrugged, walking away.

"Goodbye Ashley, have fun in hell." My eyes slunk closed, death consuming me.

Then, there was nothing. A scene appeared before me, a dark graveyard, the one I had died in. Mitch was walking away from me. But, something strange happened; he stopped walking and tore his face off. There on the ground lay a blood splattered mask of Mitch's face, and the mysterious man walked away. The scene panned out, revealing Mitch's lifeless body lay next to mine as it had before. Who had this mysterious man been?

"Ashley." Mitch said promptly from behind me. "Try not to think too much about it. All is fine, all is peaceful, and the haunter is gone..."

Explanation ↓

So there's this sadistic killer that they call "Haunter". Basically, he lures people into gloomy places (ie: a graveyard.), and torments them before killing them. For weeks before he executes the murders, he studies and watches the individuals. His signature is making masks of people close to the intended victims and leaves them at the scene of the crime.

In this instance, he stalked Ashley for weeks and concluded that Mitch was closest to her. To make it more interesting for him, he planned out luring Mitch and Ashley to this graveyard (we'll go with because there was a "Halloween party") and then having Ashley kill Mitch and finally, having her think that Mitch killed her. When Ashley stabbed Mitch, she actually killed Mitch. When "Mitch" stabbed Ashley, it was Haunter wearing a mask of Mitch's face.


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