the fridge debacle - original

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After classes that Friday, Daniel, the boy I had met on Hot or Not months ago, my friend Marissa, and I were hanging out in Marissa's apartment. Up until now we'd all been waiting for our pizza while we somewhat idly stared at Yes Man while it played on tv. But there was a bang in the hallway. No one on Marissa's floor was home, as there were only three other apartments and she knew for a fact that two tenants were at work and one was on a business trip. I jumped, startled by the banging, and Marissa and I, knowing how suspicious the whole thing was, opened the door to check it out. A man substantially bigger than Daniel was outside a neighbors door trying to break in. We quickly tried to shut the door, but the man had seen us and jammed his arm in the door, a somewhat bulky knife dangling between his fingers. I screamed at Daniel to call the cops and while I was struggling to hold the door shut, the jagged knife caught my skin at my wrist, creating a gash from the end of my wrist to the top of my index knuckle. I screamed again, and finally, Marissa pushed her fridge against the door. The man had slipped his hand back out, and just when I thought we were somewhat safe, he broke the door down in its entirety and began shoving the fridge, violently trying to get at Marissa and I. He threw stab after stab over the fridge and through the small sides, a couple of times pricking me in the hands. I was still yelling to Daniel asking what was happening and I let myself get too distracted, the man with an overwhelming burst of strength, toppled the fridge on top of Marissa, barely missing me. Marissa screeched in pain and I screamed because there was now a slightly bloody knife pressed against my collarbone. Daniel reentered quickly, almost falling backwards when him and I made eye contact.


The man pressed the cold metal harder to my skin as Daniel carefully inched towards me, his hands up in surrender.

A small door closed at the end of the hall, the metal one to the stairs.

The man pressed harder and harder until I could feel stinging, I knew the blade had begun to unstitch my neck. But he stopped, the only prominent sound aside from Daniels hitched breaths were the footsteps of someone nearing our situation. A freckled boy appeared in the doorway with no door, a pizza box in hand and a dropped jaw. The robber released me and began sprinting at the boy. The kid ran, throwing the hot pizza at his pursuer, which did actually slow him down as searing hot cheese and pepperoni was plastered to his face. And suddenly, they were both gone. 

I instantly shattered to the floor as I had no more support. My hands were bloody and beat, my wrist gashed and streaming, and my neck nicked and dripping. Police sirens in the distance gave me hope. Daniel dropped to me, holding me in his arms.

"It's okay, he's gone, you're okay." He whispered into my ear, his warm, shaky breath trailing down my neck. Marissa made a small noise from the opposite corner of the room.

"Daniel, Marissa" I weakly gestured. I was dizzy and I felt like I'd been awake too long.

So I closed my eyes.

dreams are memories of another life...


the world is ugly » one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora