A Typical Day in The Beautiful World

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A fight had broken out between the members of The Beautiful World guild...again. Things were usually rowdy like this and normally got out of hand, leading to various injuries. Today however the fight was about something different.
"Alfred, you idiot! How could you challenge the Fairy Tail guild to a tournament?!" yelled The Beautiful World's black magic mage, Arthur Kirkland.

"Well I have to prove that I'm stronger than them and a better hero!" Alfred screamed back.

"I've always wanted to fight Fairy Tail's celestial spirit mage, just to see who's stronger aru." replied the guild's celestial spirit mage, Yao Wang.

"How about we all calm down." said the invisibility mage Matthieu.

"Did you hear that?" asked Arthur, Alfred and Yao in unison. As usual, Matthieu wasn't noticed.

"Friendly competition isn't a bad thing, we might as well go through with it now." said Elizabeta.

"But knowing our guilds it will turn into an all out brawl in no time." replied Ludwig, the guilds most serious member.

"Come on Ludwig, friendly competition never hurt anyone." said Feliciano.

"Whatever the potato weirdo says, I disagree." Said Feliciano's twin brother Lovino.

"Can't we all get along and be friends?" asked Ivan.
"NO!" Shouted everyone involved in the argument.
"I guess a friendly completion would not be so bad, it would help us determine our strength." said the requip mage Kiku.

"But it still would be a waste of time." argued Ludwig.

"But we're fighting on friendly terms, non?" Replied Francis.

"I guess but I still think that this idiot shouldn't have challenged the most powerful guild in Fiore to a fight." said Arthur as he pointed to Alfred.

"My magic shouldn't be wasted like this, for a petty fight." said Roderich.

"It's not a petty fight Roderich, it's to prove who the better hero's are and that's totally us dude!" Replied Alfred.

"I'll just express my utter disgust for you all on the piano." Said Roderich, as he walked over to play his piano.

"We should fight." said Alfred, Yao, Kiku, Elizabeta, And Lovino.

"No we shouldn't." replied Arthur, Ludwig, Ivan and Roderich.

"Since our guild doesn't have a master, we should take a vote." said Arthur. "Everyone needs to choose a side, no matter what. All in favor of fighting say Aye, everyone who is not in favor of fighting say No."

"Aye" said Alfred, Kiku, Elizabeta, Yao, Lovino, and Francis.

"No" said Ludwig, Arthur, Ivan, Roderich, Matthieu, and Feliciano.
Everyone was waiting on the final member that was present to choose a side.

"AYE SIR!" Said the final member, Gilbert after he amplified his voice to a deafening volume.

"You sound like that blue cat from the other guild when you say that." said Ludwig to his older brother.

"All that matter is that I've said I'm in, so now we have to fight, whether you like it or not. It was 7 to 6, so it's time to knock em' dead." replied Gilbert.

"Alfred, did they say to meet them any where?" Asked Arthur.

"Yeah, they said to meet them in the park at 2:00 pm today." Replied Alfred.

"2:00 pm today?! That's half an hour from now! Why didn't you tell us sooner idiot?!" Screamed Arthur.

"Well I guess we better get on our way if we want to make it on time." said an upset Ludwig.
The members who were present at the time left the building and started to make their way down to the park, for this tournament.

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