The Tournament (Part One)

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Beautiful World guild's POV

The member's of The Beautiful World were still walking to the park and it was almost 2:00.
"We need to hurry up if we want to make it on time. Being late is awful and unacceptable so we need to get there, NOW." Said and anxious Gilbert

"We're going as fast as we can, so what if we get there a few minutes late?"  Replied Alfred

"You don't understand, we need to be there on time, if we're not I'll have an attack." Said Gilbert

"Alfred, you should probably listen to him, he has a problem with being late." Said Gil's younger brother Ludwig

"We'll get there when we get there, can everyone calm down now?"  Said Arthur.
The members of the guild continued to walk in silence for the rest of the trip.
Fairy Tail guild's POV

The members of the Fairy Tail guild had been at the park for a few minutes before the members of The Beautiful World arrived.
"Who's ready to fight?!" Screamed an odd albino mam from The Beautiful World

"Who's that, I've never seen him before." Asked Wendy in a whisper to Levy

"I don't know Wendy, I've never seen him before either." Replied Levy.

"I've never seen him either." Said Mira and Lucy in unison.

"Hey! Who are you?!" Natsu yelled at the albino.

"I'm the awesome and all powerful Gilbert Beilschmidt, and I am ready to win any fight." Said the albino, now called Gilbert

"Okay, so I think we should make a chart saying who's going to fight who I these organize matches, since there are thirteen members of The Beautiful World here three will have to sit out, since we only have ten members here." Said Levy, the brains of the Fairy Tail team.

"Thirteen? I only see twelve." Said Natsu

At that moment, invisible, Matthieu walked up to Natsu and slapped him in the face.
"Just because you can't see me doesn't mean I'm not here." Said Matthieu

"Oh snap Mattie. I didn't know you had it in you to smack someone." Said Alfred, Matthieu's twin brother.

"Anyways, who in the guild is sitting out?" Asked Levy

"Me" said Roderich, Ludwig and Arthur all in unison.

"Okay, I've come up with a fair line up then. Replied Levy. "First we have Alfred vs. Natsu. Second we have Gray vs. Ivan. Third we have Lucy vs. Yao. Fourth we have Kiku vs. Erza. Fifth we have Wendy vs. Feliciano. Sixth we have Mira vs. Elizabeta. Seventh we have Gajeel vs. Francis. Eighth we have Matthieu vs. Me, Levy. Ninth we have Lovino vs. Juvia. And tenth we have Laxus vs. Gilbert."

"Alright! Let's get fighting then!" Yelled Alfred, already ready for his fight with Natsu.

"Ludwig, you should be the referee, to make sure everything is fair" said Levy

"It's fine with me. All right then, Alfred, Natsu, get read to fight and...Go!" Said Ludwig.

"Fire Dragon Roar!" Natsu immediately sent out a burst of flames.

"White Eagle of Deflection!" Alfred summoned a eagle made entirely of white fire, sending Natsu's attack right back at him and hitting him straight in the face.
"Eagle of blue fire!" Alfred summoned another eagle, though this time it was blue, and sent it straight at Natsu. This time it his his legs, knocking him over. "Now Red Eagle of the Fire of Freedom!" Alfred had the burning bright red eagle come straight down on Natsu, knocking him out cold.

"Alright, that's the fight, I declare Alfred the winner of this fight." Said Ludwig.

"I won!!! I am the hero! I'm on fire today! Literally! Let's go celebrate my victory with some junk food!"

"We haven't won the whole tournament yet Alfred, you have to wait if you want anything." Said Ludwig.

"Fine, fine I'll wait." Replied Alfred

"Alright, next up is Gray vs. Ivan." Said Ludwig "Get ready you two. Now, fight!"

Gray made the same mistake as Natsu and started fighting immediately. "Ice make Lance" The lances hit Ivan head on, but he didn't appear to be fazed by it.

"I guess if we're being forced I should fight, da? Ice dance of the Ice God Slayer!" Ice shards surrounded Gray, in a circle and repeatedly stabbed at him before he could put an ice shield up.

"Ice God Slayer Magic?! This definitely isn't a fair fight." Said Gray "In that case, Ice Make Hammer!" The hammer narrowly missed Ivan as he moved away just in time. "How did I miss?"

"My turn again. Ice God Slayer Roar!" A wave of black ice was sent right at Gray, but this time he was ready with his ice shield. But the shield wasn't strong enough and didn't hold up for long, causing Gray to get hit by most of the black ice.
Gray was still on his feet but barely "Ice make sword!" Gray sent the sword right at Ivan. It hit him but again he seemed unfazed other than the obvious injuries he had from Gray's other attacks.
"Let's finish this right, da? Storm of the Ice God!" A tornado made completely of black ice swallowed Gray up in a matter of seconds and after a few minutes if waiting, the tornado disappeared and Gray was on the ground, passed out.

"Um, I guess the winner is Ivan." Said Ludwig. "Next is Lucy vs. Yao. Get ready, fight!"
"Gate of the golden bull, Taurus!" Lucy summoned Taurus. "Go get him Taurus"
"Anything for you Miss Lucy" replied Taurus

"Uh gate of the dragon! Loong!" Shouted Yao. A blue orange and yellow dragon appeared.  The multicolored dragon clashed with Taurus as they began to fight. Taurus swinging his axe and Loong the dragon scratching at him. The dragon and bull fought for quite a while, making this the longest fight yet. But Taurus was almost out of steam and Loong the dragon didn't seem like he was giving up soon. "I'm going home, I'm tired." Said the dragon as he suddenly disappeared, leaving Yao defenseless.
"You can't just leave in the middle of a fight, aru!" Yelled an angry Yao
Taurus, getting his second wind, quickly attacked Yao, knocking him out cold.

"I guess that means Lucy wins." Said Ludwig "Okay, next up is Kiku vs. Erza. Get ready, fight!"
Kiku summoned his signature katana and traditional Japanese armor. "Let's make this a fast fight." Said Kiku

"If that's what you want." Replied the red haired Mage. Erza called up her Robe of Yūen armor and got into a fighting stance.
The two clashed swords, parrying, thrusting deflecting the other's attacks until Erza finally hit Kiku. Now with his guard down, she managed to attack him quite a few more times and thoroughly beat him in the end.

"I guess this fight is over then."
Said Ludwig "Now onto Feliciano vs. Wendy. Get ready, fight!"

"Pasta Whip, Go!" Feliciano immediately sent out one of his whips, hitting Wendy on the arm.

"Ow that hurt." Complained Wendy.

"I'm so sorry, your so small I didn't mean to hurt you, do you mind if we call a truce and we just forfeit? I don't really want to fight." Said Feliciano

"It's fine with me, I don't really want to fight either." Replied Wendy.

"I guess this means that this match is a tie then." Said Ludwig. "Well, next up is Elizabeta vs. Mirajane. Get ready, fight!"
Hallo! It's the author here and I'm just here to say that this part of the story will be continued next chapter.
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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