Chapter 1- The Start Of The Journey

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Hi, I'm the girl in her early 20's, I goby many names "Ab's", "Babigail", "Abi" even "Mayo" and "gobshite". I live with my brother, my great uncle, and as far as I'm aware, my dad too. The reason I say 'as far as I'm aware, my dad' it is because he has been missing for 6 months. He was supposed to be on holiday, but he has left me to support my dying great uncle and my S.E.N brother, ALONE.

I was wondering about my dad's house, looking for my brothers switch. Dad took it off him and gave me strict rules, "NOT" to give it to him as the only capable adult. But what does my dad know he has bin gone for OVER 6 months instead of 2 weeks. So I was within reason to give my brother's Nintendo Switch to him, right?
Anyway, I was finding my brothers switch...
Then I noticed it. 

My dad had an unusually placed bookshelf, so I wonder if I'm in a bloody dream or something like that. I decided to pull a book, any book. I believe the book name was 'What the HELL?!' was what the title of the book. The bookshelf clunked and creaked, making me jump slightly.

It opened up to a cosy little cubby. Well it would be cozy if it weren't for the FUCKING sniper rifle, the AK-47 and tactical twelve guage shot gun. Wait... Was that a BFG 9000!? No, it can't be, right? My dad is Doom Guy?! "Wow, my dad really did kill all my exes!" I chuckle to myself, obviously joking. On his left wall, he had drawings that me and my sister Anie had drawn. Azzy doesn't really do drawing. On his desk was two pictures and a really good computer, I wonder if you could game on that.

The first picture was me, him, Azzy and Anie... It was the last time all four of us were together. My mum took Anie to her house literally the next day. Then the second picture was him with his mates, but his mates were in S.A.S Army uniform... Yep, this is definitely a dream. I caught the last search on his computer in the corner of my eye it read 'Strange, mythical castles in good holiday positions' I laught that is so dad, alright.

I found my brothers switch nestled in between paperwork in his desk draw. Normal hiding position it is always in a draw. I walk to the living room, avoiding my great uncle, who is asleep on the sofa bed. I hand my brothers switch to him, making sure not to wake up the cancer patient (my great uncle). I sigh and walk to my own bed, falling asleep myself.

I woke up, it was 9:30 am on a Monday, the last Monday I'm 20, woo! I wake up my brother, who wakes up with a "whhhaaaaatttttt!?" He was obviously half asleep still.
I reply with, "we're going dad hunting by trains."
He shoots up, obviously eager and excited to go shouting, "I'm up! I'm up!"

I laugh and let him get ready as I let him get ready. I make myself a tea. It was perfect, milk with two sugars. I drink it thinking of how to do this we could get the eurostar to Europe but my dad might not be in this world. Or reality. Bah! That's just a bunch of nonsense whatsoever.

I finish my tea and get dressed into my favourite outfit... My Fnaf tracksuit. I'm a girl, I promise, ok? I connect my phone and my headphones together, and I get my bag. I pack spare clothes and I knock on my brothers door. "You dressed yet, Azzy?" He opens the door, "I'll take that as a yes then" I shout to my great uncle to let him know where we're going "YAYA, ME AND AZZY ARE GOING TO FIND DAD! FUCKA YOU!"

Me and Azzy catch the bus to tesco and we ride it round to the train station. The weather was raining and miserable. Typical weather spring weather in the UK. I look out of the bus window, and I see the places where we grew up. I had my first kiss there, that was mine and Azzys old family home.

I then sigh, I just can't shake this feeling that that something has happened to my dad. I can't shake it at all! "I've got a bad feeling about this!" I say jokingly and Azzy laughs at the star wars reference.

We arrive at the bus stop by the train station I call it 'train stop' in my head. We arrive and I get recognise by some man "Are you the famous fashion designer 'Babigail Mayo Davies'"
"why, yes I am good sir, who might you be?" I reply optimistically.
"I'm a really big fan of your collections, can I have your autograph, please?" he says sounding slightly desperate. 8 sigh and i sign the piece of paper he was giving me 'FFD:BMD'

He takes it back and kisses it. Is this a simp oh I dress to think what he's going to do with it. Frame it above his bed? Possibly... Uggghhh!

Me and Azzy pay for our respective tickets. He thought he was paying for his own, as he has a famous fashion designer for a big sister, and I laugh. We get on a train, it's a 197... Hold on, it's 197014. It's the same one me, Azzy and Anie went to wem on. We went on it to go swimming but we missed the time slot.

I point it out to Azzy, and he laughs, we get on it and play our respective games 'Five Nights at Freddys 4' for me. For Azzy, it's 'Poppy Playtime Chapter 1'. I grumble about it, I really don't like that game. But it is better than the others. I believe the worst is Chapter 2.

I pick up mine and Azzys tickets as the RESPONSIBLE adult, ready for the conductor. I find that sound so satisfactory. Click. Click. Am I the only one who finds that sound satisfying? I check the time on my phone '11:30am' bah that's shit. Today is going to be a looooong day. I hear the train power up and move... Finally

We played our games, and before you knew it, we were at the destination. We gather our respective things, and we get out to run to our next train. The train is a partial sleeper service as we will be arriving at our destination at 00:01am. The train class is 801 LNER Azuma, how fancy.

I  slowly fall asleep at the window. My forehead against the glass, and I start to dream. This was really strange because I don't dream that often. The dream was odd and strange, too.  I was dreaming about the Prince of Hell!? I was leaning my head on his shoulder, and... I HAD A DAUGHTER WITH HIM!!

In the dream, I was a siren princess, and the Prince of Hell was my fiancé. Our daughter was half siren and half demon, and she sprayed her dad in the face. That was funny! I snuggle into his neck, getting lost in my dream.

It was a shame when Azzy woke me up, shouting, "Abi! Abi! Our stop is next!"
I panic and gather my things. I knew something like this would happen! I grab my things, and in time, too... Phew. Why couldn't I just keep dreaming? It was funny and nice.

Little did I know that my ex was, Ollie was standing on the platform. I hate him. We dated 3 times total. Why is he here?!

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