Chapter 2 - Only The Beginning

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I was stunned and shocked to see that my ex was standing there. He tried to hug me, but I kicked him off. Obviously, not happy to see him. "I broke up with you when we were 15 FOR A REASON!!" he shrugs and goes in for a hug again.

So let's have a recap, this is Ollie I dated him a total 3 times twice when I was 14 and once when I was 15 after he dated my best friend he has also cheated on me too in the past... I do kinda guilty for leaving him he helped me through a lot.

So let's get back to the story now, shall we? Right? Well me and my brother run to the next train, yet another sleeper all day and night. Great! Yay, me! Another sleeper service. I sigh, and I get on with my brother.

*This service is for s@£#%?/ !??/)/!=%%%*

That's really strange!

Arran doesn't care. He's just looking out of the window. I'm still wondering where my dad is. Be' ddiawl! (what the fuck in Welsh) We appear to have went through a tunnel but it was magic?... But magic doesn't exist...does it?

I look at my brother and I notice that he has bright blue hair and I scream in horror.


"A-Azzy, your hair is a bright blue!" he shrugs and goes back to watching the scenery. I take a selfie to show that I have bright blue hair. I can't help but wonder if there is more to this then just a change of hair colour. I'm semi concerned about the colour of mine and my brothers hair but I'm also semi amazed at the colour changing hair.

I can't help but wonder if in my dream I had bright blue hair. I can't help but wonder if my dad was on this train. I can't help but wonder if my sister and mum are still alive. I can't help but wonder if my dream was a vision...

My brother snapped me out of my little crisis by pointing out something peculiar. "Sis, look" he pointed to a girl going as fast as the train but using ice powers!?! "wow" I say really, really memorised. But my mind can't hep but flick back to what my dad is doing...

Then the train crashed!!!

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