Chapter 2

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Ben pov

'Shit this was not meant to happen like this.' Waking up in Sadie her bed with her laying next to was not what was supposed to happen. It was a damn good night, but I didn't want our start to start with a one-night stand. So, I left like a coward, but I couldn't face her if she told me to leave. So now I am in my appartement overthinking all of this. Like will I even be able to have a relationship with her, I feel like I ruined everything.

Going on with my day trying not to think about what happened last night was hard. She was on my mind every minute of the day. Trying to focus on work was not working at all so I just gave up. The whole day she didn't send me anything, so I have been thinking about sending her.

'So, after last night want to talk about it?' nope not it. Shit this is harder than I thought, I don't want Sadie to think it was just a one-night stand.

B: Hey, I have the afternoon free, want to meet up?

Yup this is it. I hope she answers, she has every reason not to, but I hope she does. I still want her as mine.

Not even a minute after I sent her, she answered.

S: You left me alone this morning and u want to meet up? Was yesterday just a one-night stand for u?

Shit so she thinks it's just a one-night stand.

B: No yesterday was not a one-night stand for me, I want to get to know u more. Also, I am sorry for leaving u this morning, something came up.

S: Okay fine, where?

B: That's a surprise, where do I pick u up?

S: Just my place, you know where I live.

B: Okay, be ready at 6.

This went way better than what I thought okay so now date planning. I don't want to bring her on a boring dinner date to get to know each other. We already know each other, so I want to do something fun. Well not something with too much activity, that's for later if it goes well.

On my way to her place, I know exactly what I want to do tonight.

Sadie pov

I am still pissed at him, but when he asked to meet up, I couldn't say no. The fact that he left in the morning without waking me up or even leaving a note and then he sent me a text hours later to meet up.

Also, a surprise? Like what do I wear, is he going fancy or casual he didn't give me any hints and I was not going to ask because I was still pissed very hard.

The thing is he hasn't left my mind since yesterday. I can't stop thinking about him. The sex was amazing, but I want more and when I woke up alone it just felt like a one-night stand.

Just when I got down, I heard the bell of my door, so I opened it. Looking at Ben, he looks fine like always. Even if it's casual wear, I am still pissed.

"Hey, ready to go?" he asked it as if there was nothing wrong at all. That made me even more mad about the whole situation.

"Yep." I answered coldly. He must understand I didn't forget what he did this morning. "So where are we going?" Still keeping my voice as cold as I could.

"Look before we do anything I want to say sorry for this morning. I didn't mean to leave like that." I follow him to his car. "Also, everything is a surprise, but we will start with a coffee." Coffee? Can't say no to that.

"Okay coffee is good." I say as I step in his car. He had one of the fancy ones. I don't know which one because I know nothing about them. When he starts driving, I see that he is going to my favorite coffee shop. "How do u know that's my favorite?" Has he been stalking me for a while or what?

"Well, your ex would always go get their coffee and I know she hates so I guess it was for you." He says honestly, but I don't want to think about my ex tonight.

"Mmm. I do want to say before this night goes on, I don't want this to be like this morning. If it was for you just a fuck and go, I would prefer for u to bring me back home." I say, I want him to understand I want more out of this. I don't want only to fuck or only coffee. I want more with him.

"Honestly, I freaked out this morning. I don't want this to be only sex. I do want more and this morning I went to full wrong way with it." I want to stay mad at him, but I can't because his voice sounded really upset.

"I want to stay mad at you, but I want more too. That probably sounds crazy after what happened yesterday with my ex, but honestly, I haven't loved nor liked her for months and yesterday was just the moment to end it. Then you were there, and I didn't use you to get over her, I have wanted u for a while, but I couldn't." I brabble out. I wanted him to know that I was not using him.

"You know what we will take it slow if u want. I won't push u to be with me, I want u with me because u want to not because you have to." After he said that I nodded. "What coffee do u want? I know your favorite coffee place but not your favorite coffee."

"Well, I am a sweet tooth girl my favorite coffee is a Caramel macchiato with marshmallows on top. Yours?" I want to know more about him too.

"I am not that big of a coffee person" I look at him like he is crazy "You don't have to look at me like that I prefer tea, but if I do take coffee I most of the time go with a coffee with vanilla taste in it." After that he ordered both our coffees.

"Do u take your tea hot or cold?"

"Well, I prefer hot but when its too warm iced tea is also very nice."

"What are we doing now?" I ask, still having no idea what Ben had planned for the rest of the evening.

"Well 2 options, either walk in a park or a drive around, I know a nice place to drive around."

"Well, I like some green so park?"

"Sure, let's go then."

After the walk in the park, I got to know more about him and he more about me. I got to know he had a sibling, that he was also bi, that he works in a business with quite a high position and he loves it and a lot more.

"Before the night is done, I want to show u one more thing." Ben says as we walk back to his car.

"What is it?"

"Well not going to tell u it's a surprise." Once we are in the car, he starts driving to a place I have no idea about. The longer we ride the farther away we get from our houses. After a few minutes of driving and talking we arrive at the top of a mountain, not a big one but just outside of the city.

As he gets out, I do the same. Then I see it, the pretties' sunset ever. "This is the last surprise of the night. After this we can go for food, or I drop you off." 

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