Chapter 3

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Ben pov

The look on her face is wonderful. The perfect sunset was happening in front of our eyes. The way she relaxed more and more through the night made me feel good. Even if she said she wanted more I wasn't sure, because I really acted like a dick this morning. I am so happy that she gave me another chance and as I said to her everything will go at her pace.

"It's so beautiful..." she whispered. "I didn't know this was here... how did u find this place?" moving closer to her. "Well one night I was driving around and stumbled up on this place and I saw the prettiest sunset ever. I don't think a lot of people know about this place. Also, I always came alone so you are the first one to see it with me." While saying that my eyes moved to hers and she was looking at me as if I hung the moon for her. "What?"

"Nothing, everything here is just soo beautiful. Thank u for taking me here." She moved closer to me as she said that we were close enough to touch each other. I mean fuck it, I just took her in my arms and hugged her. The gasp that left her was so cute. Having her in my arms is the best feeling in the world.

After a few minutes of holding each other, we decided to go sit on the hood of my car for the rest of the sunset. Looking at her she looked like a beauty.

The longer I looked at her the more I thought about the future. Imaging us moving in together having movie nights and fancy dates, lots and lots of sex. There is a comfort in her I didn't know I was ever going to find.


Waking up alone feels weird. Not that anything happened last night, but waking up without Sadie next to me feels weird. After that one night with her I can't seem to fall asleep alone anymore. It feels like she is supposed to be next to me. Doing my daily things today felt weird, like something or someone was missing in all of this.

Last night we didn't have sex, but it was amazing. We watched the sunset together on the hood of my car and we talked for hours after. Now I was making breakfast for myself and getting ready for work.

After work I decided, I didn't want to go home so I went to my best friend.

"Hey." I had the key to Sam's place, so I just walked in and took a place on his couch. We lived together when we went to school. So now we both have each other's keys just in case and because we are used to getting easy in each other places.

"Ben? What are you doing here?" Sam didn't really look that shocked to see me. It's not a daily occurrence, but we are used to one another going over unannounced. "Well, I didn't want to be home, and I guess just hanging around with you."

His face was saying he didn't believe a word of what just came out of my mouth. "Well, I call bullshit. There is always a reason."

"Yeah, yeah fine just some beer before is start talking." I say as I walk to his fridge to get some beer. I really did need some. I am falling way too fast for Sadie and that's not super good.

"Is it so bad?" Now Sam looked concerned.

"No, it's just a lot?" I didn't even know how to explain what was going on in my head at the moment.

"Is it about the girl u saw?" over the years I have always talked to Sam about the guys or girl I have an interest in so of course I also talked to him about Sadie. So I decided to explain everything that has happened in the last few days. About our first night to yesterday. Not that it was a long story.

"Dude u are head over heels for her." Sam said when I was done talking about everything.

"Yeah, I know but that isn't good. It's way too soon. She just broke up and I don't want to be a rebound but I don't want to loose her at the same time." After saying that I chug the rest of my beer in.

"Well that makes it a bit different. I would just say go with the flow. If she wants you just as bad as you want her there shouldn't be any issues." He says as if that the most normal thing to think; Maybe I have been overthinking this a bit too much.

"Yea true. Thanks." I knew coming here was good, most of the time his advice is handy. "I do have a problem. Nothing related to Sadie but to work."

"What are u quitting?"

"No, you remember my coworker Addy. The crazy one." I ask him. "Yeah?"

"Well, she is irritating me even more now. She got a hold on my personal number and has been texting me crazy things. The thing is I can't go to HR because she is his daughter." This has been going on for months now, but these last few days she has started to get bolder. She has been sending me nudes and other things. I told her to stop but she wouldn't.

"Shit, that's not good man. Why don't you just change jobs?"

"Well, I am getting a promotion soon to another department, so I just hope it goes well. The thing is I now have Sadie and I don't want this to escalate too much." I feel like Addy will cause a lot more problems then what she is already doing right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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