7 Shenanigans

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Nate slowly opened the door to his room and crept inside, tip-towing before collapsing on his bed with relief, satisfaction and comfort.

He bounced a little before the warm blanket and pillow swallowed him whole. He stared at the pitch-black ceiling, feeling content, and decided to do some serious retrospection.
He sighed.

It felt like only yesterday since he returned to the present. He made sure he was near Katrina's house to see if the change happened. Sure enough,  it did, and Nate soon witnessed the giant tree with a missing branch disappear from the face of the earth, within a blink of an eye,  and promptly be replaced with something more ideal, like the trampoline.

Since then Nate knew he couldn't let such raw power go to race by simply using it once. He won't be doing it justice. So he took the liberty of travelling back in time to fix his past mistakes or improve certain decisions and choices he had made. He's done that so much he has lost count. He can only imagine the alternate timeline he's currently in. It's so seamless you won't be able to notice the differences unless you're Nathen, who's actively looking for it. With each inspection, his life progressively got more and more improved, culminating with the timeline he's in now, in which he's got a poster of his favourite show, signed by the creator. Who knew this would result from taking responsibility for your actions, and not pinning it on your brother? It didn't stop there, either. He's gotten a separate room, medals, and a genuine healthy relationship with his loved ones and friends.

So long he doesn't go overboard, leading to creating a dent in the time stream, he should be OK for doing this for the foreseeable future, at least, until the tablets run out. He's already pushing his luck with the constant time travelling, but as of now, he made a promise to himself to not do it unless it's warranted. But temptation is one feisty beast.

Nevertheless, it's wild that after all this, he's got school in the morning. His perception of time is skewed and probably never be the same. How can he return to a normal life? Like that? After all, there is no coming back from this.

Only time will tell.

Ron the dragonfly and Brandy the puffin were ambling towards their school, engrossed in a lively conversation. As they walked side by side, Ron's iridescent wings shimmered in the sunlight, while Brandy's distinctive orange beak bobbed up and down as she spoke. The two friends had known each other for years and were inseparable, always hatching grand plans for the upcoming summer break.

"Can't wait for us to go on that go-kart track Eleanor's mom auctioned out," Ron said.
"Yeah," Brandy nodded. "It was such a steal she had to be bonkers to not invite us and the entire class. Did you give the last invites to Preston and Zoe?"
"I did just last Friday. I made sure they'd be the ones cleaning up afterwards, including everything else we do.
"Alright!" The insect high-fived the bird.
"We're going to start the first day out with a bang!"
"Like dynamite!"

The two laughed as they went passed the big tree near the school, unbeknownst that the ram was hiding behind it. He saw them coming a mile away and promptly hid behind said tree and acted natural, turning on his phone and scrolling indiscriminately on a loop. When they got closer, he could do nothing but stare at his home page that had Katrina and Nate taking a selfie on a warm spring day.

He watched as the two were soon out of sight, probably continuing to talk about an event Nate had been the first to know about and said event he wasn't invited to, presuming that his friends - and girlfriend - were invited too. And despite not being surprised in the slightest, it didn't hurt any less. He felt rejected, hurt and betrayed. Left all alone to be forgotten. He replayed the part where they said that Irene was inviting the class, which included Demetri.

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