9 Future Intense

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The Repugnant Reptile Penitentiary was an enormous towering structure, standing tall like a gleaming silver skyscraper.

Its metallic surface shimmered in the sunlight, reflecting the clouds above it. The prison was a giant steel box, as if it's out of a sci-fi flick. As you approached the penitentiary, you would see the imposing walls that surrounded it, made of thick steel and concrete. Despite its impressive appearance, the Penitentiary was notorious for its harsh conditions and strict security measures. It was said that only the most dangerous and notorious reptilian criminals were housed within its walls. Damain was one of them. And like him, very few of them had survived.

The Komodo dragon made quite a name for himself since his initial debut after several convictions of vandalism, attempted murder and blatant bigotry towards horned people. And that does not even begin his rash rampage throughout the facility, destroying trillions of Pawllers of school properly, he was found guilty and was thrown into the toughest prisons in the mammal kingdom. His extended family had to pay for the damages while the reptile rotted away in his cell, the guards having no compunctions about throwing away the key, laughing at how much a predator like him had fallen.

Little did they know that Damain was about to make a cold, calculating comeback.
Little did they know that for a good four years now he struck a deal with one of the guards and now got an inside woman who knows the prison from the back of his paw. Because as relentless as this prison is, even they can't be 100% omniscient all the time, and they're gonna let things slip through the cracks. As few and far between as that may be, they are still indeed there, thus the inside woman. And the lethal lizard is going to exploit that for its worth. Little did they know that the horn-o-phobic bigot was about to bust out of here...and it's gonna happen tonight.

The jailbreak happened at 8:58 PM.

Mia, an indri inside the facility, informed me that in two minutes, the guards would be changing shifts from day workers to night workers. The shift change usually disorients the nocturnal animals, and the guards are armed with a gadget-shaped gun called the Multiblaster, which they can use to shoot up to ten different things. It's as versatile as a Swiss army knife, and the guards are heavily encouraged to use it without any hesitation in case of any trouble. Their job is to keep the worst of the bad inside, not out, and they will take any necessary means to ensure it stays that way. However, Damian plans to break through the security, and he has been preparing for years.

And tonight, it's all going to pay off.

The day guards were beginning to leave, leaving one at a time. When it was finally Mia's turn, she turned to the man and he whispered, "See you at the other side."

The reptilian, left all by himself in his dreary cell, allowed an eerie silence to engulf the room. He knew that the nocturnal creatures were on their way, and he didn't have much time left to act. Without wasting a second, Damain clenched his fists and stepped back, just like he was preparing for a long jump.

Suddenly, he burst forward with lightning speed!


The cell shook and exploded into pieces, and the steel bars went flying in every direction, smashing into smithereens. The thunderous noise was a clear indication of his defiance.

He panted heavily, still wearing his drab prison uniform, and his bags under his eyes showed that he hadn't slept in days. The stubble on his chin and the shiny bald head made him look even more massively menacing. Not that he was complaining or anything. If anything, it stroke fear.

In no time, the piercing sound of the alarms filled the air, drowning out the whoops and cheers of his fellow inmates. The adrenaline was pumping through his veins, and he knew he had to move fast to escape the clutches of the authorities.

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