12 Fontquar

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Lunch came after the sermon. As Genobland's "children" walked strictly out of the church in a single file like army cadets, thinking and acting the same with no traces of imperfection, Nate collected his thoughts, digesting all of this. He watched from the sidelines as the Members congratulated Katrina and commemorated her, making the ram jealous. The only thing he got was a bandage over his head and a few glares from other Members, presumably about his large, irregular horns. It's sad that even in a cult he's still ridiculed - albeit subtly - by the way he looks. But he pushed that stupid insecurity aside and got back to the task at hand.

Presuming Katrina isn't brainwashed to the point where she's too far gone, Nate would change her back to normal and get out of there. How they would do that is still something Nate hadn't thought of yet. He hadn't even thought about where they'd go if there was some miracle they escaped successfully. It wasn't like they simply used the front door.

And that's what he's about to do.

On his way to lunch, Nate thought about how these folks eat. Back in his timeline, meat and other materials came from terminally ill people. Debates went on for centuries on whether or not it was humane and very ethical, since it was essentially being put in a fossilised dinosaur zoo.

As per the legal provisions, individuals are allowed to make meaningful contributions to society, provided they agree to the specific terms. However, it is a natural and unfortunate reality that some individuals with families may have to go through traumatic experiences in their lives. Even if they decide to make their suicide profitable by signing the necessary paperwork, it does not alleviate the pain and suffering of their loved ones. The process of grieving remains an excruciating experience, no matter how humanely the slaughter is carried out.

This situation raises some important and challenging questions. Are there any other options available that could avoid such a tragic end? Or is the reality even more grim, grotesque, and awful than we can imagine? It's a question Nate didn't want to answer as he put his plan into action.

But first, he decided to run a little test.

As Nate walked alongside his companions, his eyes began to well up with tears. The emotional outburst occurred after the sights they had just passed - a cemetery, a fighting pit where Members vented out their frustrations and insecurities, and a chapel that hosted countless marriages which would end within a day, rendering them all meaningless. Amidst all this stood a magnificent statue, towering above everything else. It was made of pure gold and depicted the legendary Genoblade. As Nate approached the statue, he was finally able to discern the intricate details of the creature's form.
The creature in question is quite intriguing, possessing a medium-sized body with a unique quadrupedal form. Its skeletal head is devoid of any visible eyes, ears, or nose, and instead features a pointed snout. Its neck is quite short, and its shoulders are tipped with sharp spikes, lending it a fearsome appearance.

The creature exudes a masculine presence with a broad chest and a flat stomach. Its four heavy legs are of medium length and possess considerable strength. Most interestingly, its entire body is adorned with long, silky fur that bears the distinctive markings of a zebra in deep red and forest green.

The ram swallowed hard, his eyes bulging.

"Why are you crying?" Ruby, Katrina's best and closest friend, had been walking behind him and noticed him opening the floodgates. They both stopped.

"Oh, it's nothing." Nate whimpered. "I'm just emotionally moved by the performance your friend made."
"She's not my friend!" The chinchilla snapped, seemingly knowing who the ram was referring to.
"But didn't say in Merhavon 19:17 that: "we are all friends under the eyes of Genobland?" Nate referred back to the recent sermon. It was one of the few times he paid attention to anything, even if it was just so he could blend in with the crowd.
"So, in a way, we are all friends," Nate added.
"I suppose so." Ruby looked doubtful, which was good.
"How was it before you got recruited?" he asked.
Ruby stiffened. "It was an awful, awful place; complete archery," she said. "It was filled with bigotry, discrimination and it was overall impure. Things are better now."
"Is that something you genuinely believe in, or did someone feed the information to you in school?" Nate asked.
"The school."
"How do you know they're not lying?"
Ruby's ears drooped slightly.
"They won't," is all she could respond.
"Fontquar may be cold-blooded, but he isn't that cold-blooded to lie to us."

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