spy mode

217 4 0

"How can you stop someone from smoking"

You: gum

You: yum

Stranger: step 1.

Stranger: take a gun

Stranger: step 2

You: or smack it out of their hand

You: What no

Stranger: aim at them

You: stop

You: stop

Stranger: step 3

You: STO P


You: Stop

You: no

Stranger: shoot them

You: no

Stranger: .

Stranger: simple

You: You killer

You: you

You: are horrible

Stranger: looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

You: No

Stranger: muhahahahahhaha

You: NO

Stranger: muhahahahhahahhaha

You: NO

Stranger: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

You: Your not funny

Stranger: :)

You: no

You: stop

You: no

Stranger: I AM

Stranger: FUNNY

You: Boo bye

You have disconnected.

Also I did actually hear gum helps with smoking so I wasn't kidding about that.

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