Chapter 8

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"Your turn Astrid." She yelled. "I'll take the boys somewhere safe."At first I was confused and then I saw more Jotuns come from all types of hiding places. Mia grabbed Thor and Loki's arms, leading them out of danger's way."Don't touch them." Thor said, his voice faint and weak. "Use it. Just use it."They walked out and I faced the Jotuns. What did he mean by "it"? Then it dawned on me. I felt a tug in my gut, and I held out my hand. Mjolnir came crashing through a gold plated window and flew into my outstretched hand. As if I had known how to do it all my life, I leapt into action.The first giant approached me and I threw the hammer at his face. At the same time I leapt at another one and punched him squarely in the gut. Although the two Jotuns shattered like glass, my hand began to turn blue. Don't touch them, Thor's voice echoed in my mind. I held out my icy hand and Mjolnir flew into it. Immediately, the blue faded from my hand and it felt warm again. I threw the hammer again and this time it smashed through all of the remaining Jotuns, finishing the battle."Well," I said, "that was easy."Mjolnir flew back into my hand and I heard footsteps behind me. I spun around to see Odin and Fregga coming into the room, both of them in armor and armed with swords. I opened my mouth to explain but it was too late, they had seen the hammer. I closed my mouth and swallowed, dropping the hammer to the ground. There was a dull thud as it hit the ground. I was dead.< ^ >"What are you doing with my son's hammer?" Fregga asked."Um, Thor told me to use it while I was fighting the Jotuns." I told her.She didn't seem like her happy self. Just then Mia rushed into the room."Sorry I'm late-." She started.Odin looked at Mia."No, my child, you're not late." He answered.Mia saw me with the hammer and gasped."How did you get Thor's hammer?" She questioned.Dang it. How do I tell her?"I was just wondering that question." Fregga said.I swallowed. Then Thor and Loki rushed into the room. I looked at Thor pleadingly. He sighed and nodded.

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