Chapter 14

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When Mia and Loki left. Loki turned to Mia and hugged her. "Are you okay Mia my love?" he asked her with a concerned look on his face. "I don't know Loki. I want to tell her about her past but at the same time I don't wanna ruin our friendship." Mia said, breaking down. "It's going to be okay Mia, she's going to figure it out sooner or later so, it's best if you explain it to her." Loki told her putting a comforting arm around her. Mia looked at Loki and just hugged him and continued to cry in his arms. After Mia composed herself she walked back to the hospital with Loki. I saw Mia and Loki enter the room which I was still in with Thor. Out of the corner of my eye I saw tears pouring down her cheeks at that moment my heart broke for her. She had almost lost me twice. "Hey Mia are you gonna be okay?" I asked calmly. "I don't know Astrid, I'm scared for you but also our friendship." she said as tears continued to pour out of her eyes. "What do you mean you're scared for our friendship?" I said slightly frustrated. "If I tell you, do you promise that this won't end our friendship?" she said after she calmed herself down with the help of Loki. "When you were just thirteen and your sister was ten your parents worked for King Oden and Queen Jord of Asgard. I was also living with Thor and Loki at this time. One day your parents were entrusted to keep a special jewel safe for the King and Queen. But they decided to backstab the King and Queen who gave your parents a place to stay out of kindness and instead your parents repaid them by stealing a jewel that the King and Queen valued so much. Once I got word I......." She looked at me with sorrow in her eyes. "I was told that your parents had two kids and I was told to kill one of you and once I saw you and your sister hiding I opened fire on your little sister and erased your memory of not only your sister but also your parents who I was also instructed to kill." As soon as those last words hit my heart it burst into a million pieces. My best friend killed not only my sister but also my parents. "I'm so sorry Astrid." she said, letting out a huge stream of tears. I sat there stunned, shocked, and angry at her. "How could you Mia you killed them for an order? I don't think I can ever forgive you for this." I cried heartbroken. "I understand Astrid." Mia said, rubbing her eyes which were really puffy. " Look I'm going to need some time to think about our friendship and I will let you know what happens next with us." I said honestly. " Of course take all the time you need Astrid." Mia said with teary eyed face.

To be continued 

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