Chapter 11-13

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Chapter 11

"Mia what are you doing here where is that man who took me back to my room?" I was confused. "What man?" She had a look of fear in her eyes. Just then Thor marched in. "How's my little champ?" He asked with an excited smile and a worried face. "I'm fine, thanks." I said with an angry smile. I felt pain again and I started to scream and the next thing I knew I blacked out.

Change perspective

Mia watched me scream in pain. Loki came in that very moment and saw me on the hospital bed screaming bloody murder. I heard Mia. "Astrid, don't die on me now come on." Loki saw Mia trying to calm me down but it wasn't working so Loki took Mia by the arm and pulled her aside and hugged her. Thor ran to my side before Mia and the rest saw me black out.

The last thing I heard from Mia is, "I should have told you a long time ago." She started to cry but I didn't know what to do. I just slipped into darkness.

I awoke to see Thor still standing by me but I didn't see Loki or Mia. "How are you feeling Astrid?" Thor asked with a smile so bright that my heart melted when I saw it.

Change perspective

Chapter 12

Mia and Loki left the hospital to help Mia calm down. "Are you going to be ok Mia?" He asked with a soft voice. "Yes I'll be fine but I still have to tell her the truth." Mia said. As Mia and Loki walked back to the hospital Mia couldn't stop thinking about whether she was going to tell Astrid what really happened to her family. Mia and Loki entered the hospital and told the receptionist who they were here to see.

Change perspective

Chapter 13

I heard Mia and Loki in the hallway talking. "Oh Astrid, you're awake." Mia said, relieved. I couldn't help but smile. "Yea I am where did you and Loki go? " I questioned. Mia blushed at my question.

"I took Mia out for some fresh air. Loki said. I looked at him with confusion but I didn't say anything but, "Ok." The doctor told me that I had to stay a little longer in the hospital. I groaned I didn't want to be in the hospital longer I wanted to get back to fighting.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" Thor questioned me. "The doctor told me I need to stay a little longer but I don't wanna. I want to get back to fighting and training." I complained. Thor just smirked god I hated that smirk but not really. "You're going to be fine Astrid just wait until the doctor dismisses you." Thor told me. My face went beet red. "Thor, I want to fight, I don't want to stay in this hospital room!" I yelled. "I understand Astrid but you have to be patient for now." Thor answered calmly.

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