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Poob and Pest were at the underground station as usual. Twist Again playing on the jukebox.
Poob tried to make conversation, they started to speak; "hey pest, do u ever wonder y we exist?". That caught Pest off guard. Pest said "それはとても奇妙な質問です." Poob replies "just answer!". Pest feels a little uneasy, especially since this isn't like Poob at all. A train passes, Pest begins to ignore Poob after a while, not wanting to proceed in the conversation any further. A few minutes later, Poob took off their party hat and smacked Pest with it, startling him, Pest began to speak "いったい何のためだったん-" He got interrupted by Poob trying to push him onto the train tracks, but failing, (weak ass mf) Pest turned around and slapped Poob, them retaliating by kicking Pest in the stomach, actually pushing him onto the train tracks this time, Pest reacted by trying to get climb back onto the train platform quickly, Poob crouched down near the edge of the platform, giggling; "haha! ur done 4!" A train passed by, ultimately running over Pest and killing him,  blood and crushed organs splattered on the train tracks and the platform, even some blood getting on Poob. They wiped the blood off themself and they stopped crouching and put their party hat back on, and then returned back to their previous spot.

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