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Poob got onto the Regretevator, they see Bive on it too, she's nervous (as always), Poob stands in the left corner, the opposite of Bive. Poob honking their party horn occasionally. Both of them wait for a new floor, in about 17 seconds, the elevator lands on a new floor, the Shop Space. Bive stayed in the Regretevator while Poob got off to look around the shop, they walk to one of the shelves, conveniently there was a steak knife there, Poob picked up the knife and went to the cashier (what a polite fella!) and bought it. Poob put the knife in their pocket, and they walked back into the elevator. A few minutes later, they tried to strike conversation with Bive; "hiya fren! how r u?" Bive responds with: "WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?!" Poob replied with: "oh! les just cut to da chase then! :D" They quickly lunged at her, pinning her down, Bive screams "AGH-! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!", Poob grabbed the knife out their pocket and tried stabbing her, Bive grabbed their wrist and pushed it back, she quickly grabbed a pen from her coat pocket and stabbed PartyNoob's right eye with it, Poob recoils and exclaims: "OUCH!", while Poob is still stunned, Bive tried to get up and not being under Poob, she flipped herself onto her stomach and tried crawling, she felt something cold and sharp stab through her back, she stopped, Poob looked at her and said "wuts wrong? sumting in ur back?" sadistically, Bive coughed up a lot of blood, eventually passing out, Poob stabbed her a couple of more times, in the head and in the shoulder, blood splattering everywhere, Bive finally died. A new floor came, SharkCo Mall, Poob decided to wipe the blood off their knife and onto Bive's coat, they then dragged Bive's body out of the Regretevator and into the 'mall', they hid the body in the center of the mall,  right by the tree. Poobs hands are tainted with blood, they wondered 'could i b able 2 bake a caek out of dis?', they licked their blood covered finger, they stuck their tongue out in disgust from the taste, they walked back into the Regretevator.

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