Chapter 5

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     Gus woke up and put on his hat, which said 'HOT' in all caps. He left his room and walked to the table where both Mister Hache and Appendix waited, along with Couch Cushion. The two looked up at him.
"Finally awake, eh?" asked Mister Hache. Appendix looked at him.
"Like you're much better! You got up like 5 minutes ago!" she said. Mister Hache rolled his eyes.
"Welp, we best get goin'," Mister Hache said. They left the table and walked to the door and down the path.
     They'd been walking for a few minutes and were leaving that small and obscure path. They turned left. Suddenly, Mister Hache stopped.
"What's go-" Mister Hache put his foot over Gus' mouth.
"Shhh," he whispered. They heard faint talking.
"I.... think.... helped...." They couldn't hear every word. Mister Hache took a few steps forward to see what was going on. He didn't get far before stepping on a twig (pretty cliche, huh).
• • •
"What was that?!" whispered Nuggets, fear seeping through her voice. The leaves rustled.
"Come out, whoever you are!" called Cardboard. Socks rolled his eyes. That was kinda stupid of Cardboard. Yeah, they're Stegosorcerers, but for all they knew, it was one of Jasper's men.
"Oh, guys, it's safe!" said a voice from the bushes. Then, Gus, Appendix, and Sir Major Colonel Lieutenant Major Colonel General Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia Esquire. Nuggets gasped.
"Appendix! How are you, sweetheart?" she asked. If you couldn't tell, Nuggets was kind of motherly. She'd always seen all of her apprentices as her children. Hell, she'd even adopted some of them. Like legally.
"I'm good! How about you?" Appendix asked.
"I'm doing good!" she replied.
"Sir Major Colonel Lieutenant Major Colonel General Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia Esquire... what are you doing here, if you don't mind me asking?" asked Cardboard.
"Appendix and I are helping Sarcophagus," he replied. This surprised Cardboard. Like Socks said, he was kind of a dick.
"What do you mean?" he asked. Gus smirked.
"Do I need to spell it out for you?" asked Mister Hache. "I am helping Gus get the materials to make a stegostaff, then I am helping him create it. God! You're a fucking idiot! Even Gus is smarter than you!"
"Okay, what the actual fuck, man?" asked Gus.
"Gus! Show some respect to him!" yelled Cardboard.
"Cardboard, if I wanted him to quote on quote 'treat me with respect,' then I'd tell him to," replied Mister Hache somewhat harshly. Cardboard was beginning to piss Mister Hache off.
"Hey, we need to get going!" called Appendix.
"Ah shit, we do!" exclaimed Mister Hache. "C'mon, Gus!"
"Wait, where are you going?" asked Gnome.
"We're going to Feathers' house!" yelled Appendix happily.
"Ohh~ have fun seeing your girlfriend, Mister Hache!" said Nuggets. Considering the fact that Appendix was her apprentice, it shouldn't be too surprising to hear that she and Mister Hache are pretty good friends.
"Nuggets! She's not my girlfriend!"
"She might as well be!" Mister Hache sighed. They said their goodbyes and left, continuing down their original trail.

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