First Meeting

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The man, with a smirk on his face, walked through the corridor, overhearing their conversation. He was heading towards the backyard near the lake, where he was supposed to meet someone. Passing by, he glanced at the moon and noticed everyone congratulating the couple on the Moon Goddess's blessing through the window.

Suddenly, he saw a figure turning a corner and running straight towards him. Before he could react, the person collided with him, causing them both to stumble. Quickly, he reached out and caught the person before they hit the floor. Looking at the figure, he saw it was a girl, her eyes closed with tear stains on her soft cheek. Her small nose was running, indicating she had been crying. Concerned, he gently held her and asked, "Are you okay?"

As she opened her eyes, he found himself caught in their depths, as if drawn into a world of enchantment. Her gaze held a mixture of emotions he couldn't read and made him forget about the surroundings. He just stood there with her in his arms.  

Her Indian beauty was striking, radiating from every feature with an effortless grace. Her eyes, framed by long, sweeping lashes, carried something deep he hadn't seen in centuries.

Her olive-toned skin glowed with a natural luminosity, reminiscent of the warm hues of the Indian sunset. Each delicate contour of her face spoke of elegance and refinement, accentuated by the soft curve of her lips, which held a quiet strength and determination.

Her attire, adorned with intricate patterns and vibrant colours, showcased the beauty of Indian craftsmanship, weaving together threads of tradition and modernity. The vibrant hues of her clothing mirrored the kaleidoscope of colours found in an Indian marketplace, adding to her aura of vibrant energy and vitality.

In that moment, as their eyes met, he couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty, feeling as though he had stumbled upon a rare and precious gem amidst the chaos of the world around them.

At the same time, outside when everyone was congratulating the new Luna and Alpha, suddenly the light from the Moon Goddess started glowing intensely. The brilliance was so overwhelming that most of them had to shield their eyes. The radiance was primarily falling upon the window where the couple stood. After a few seconds, the light subsided, leaving everyone astonished.

Tricia's father, Stephen, stepped forward, his voice filled with wonder. "My, my... Moon Goddess has bestowed such a blessing upon my child. She blessed them twice, and with such radiant glow. I don't think we have ever witnessed anything like this for any couple. Truly, you two are made for each other."

Cera looked at Van and smiled shyly, while Van returned her gaze with affection.

Elder, witnessing it all, looked shocked. She closed her eyes briefly, perhaps seeking clarity from within. When she opened them again, she gazed at the Moon Goddess with a smile. "My Moon Goddess, I was right you indeed have planned something" she murmured, acknowledging the divine intervention that had just occurred.

A sudden realization struck Agneya as she found herself in his arms. With a gentle push, she broke free and hastily ran away, leaving him standing there in silent contemplation, watching her figure disappear into the distance. His mind raced with questions, trying to comprehend the unexpected encounter and the emotions it stirred within him. 

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