Chapter 6 - Don't look back

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If anyone understands the reference in the title I'll be very happy

The raft came to an abrupt stop, bumping gently against a large bone from some miscellaneous creature. Zagreus grabbed the top, holding onto it to anchor the boat while the two demigods hopped off so that it didn't rock and cause them to fall. They'd been doing this for a long time now - going from island to island, fighting monsters, resting when the boys needed it. The group walked for a fair while through the scorching lands before the sound of what seemed to be singing reached their ears.

"Farewell... To all the earthly remains~"

Will, who had been silent for a while now, lifted his head.

'Who's that?'

Zagreus put a finger to his lips in response, smiling slightly at the son of Apollo's puzzled expression. After all, why would someone be singing down here in Asphodel? It wasn't the absolute worst part of the Underworld, sure, but in a fiery land filled with souls who didn't even remember who they were, there didn't seem much to be that happy about.

'Just wait. You should be able to recognize her in a minute.'

"No burdens... No further debts to be paid~"

They kept going.

"Atlas... Can rest his weary bones~ The weight of the world... All falls away, in time~"

After walking for even more time, Nico spoke up.

'It's... Eurydice, right? Orpheus's muse. But why is she down here? I thought that she would be in Elysium.'

'Good question. I think she likes it here... She gets to be closer to Orpheus, and she does have a pretty nice place.'

'We get to meet her? She won't, like, try to kill us or anything, will she?'

That made him laugh. If there was any possibility that Eurydice would attack the demigods, he'd find a way around her chamber. Zagreus didn't particularly want to have to bring them into any unnecessary danger, and fighting with the nymph might make his next interaction with Orpheus a little awkward. 

"Goodbye... To all the plans that we made~"

'No, I'm pretty sure that she won't.'

"No contracts... I'm free to do as I may~"

Will had been listening intently as they discussed this, his eyes lit up with a spark of excitement.

'Eurydice? She's awesome... will it be much longer before we get to her?'

'No, we should be there right about... now.'

The nymph was stood next to one of the large cookpots in her chamber, singing to herself. She didn't seem to notice them for a moment, busy stirring said pot as a wonderful aroma wafted through the air. It was a pleasant change from the smoky, sulfuric stench of the rest of Asphodel, and Zagreus let out a relieved sigh, causing her to turn and wave her ladle in a friendly gesture.

'Hey, hon! Brought some friends around this time, I see?'

'So I have. How have you been?'

'Aw, how sweet of you to ask! I've been doing just fine. Even better now that you've brought buddies. So, who are you both?'

Eurydice waved her arm to Nico and Will, motioning for them to come closer. The blonde was practically bouncing with excitement, his boyfriend having to hold his arm to calm him down.

'Oh my gods, hello! I'm Will Solace, I'm a child of Apollo - just like you! I've always thought you were so cool... I heard that you sing all the time! How does your voice not get tired? Or does it? Does your throat get sore, or... maybe not because you're a nymph, and you're dea-'

'Will. Chill out. She can't answer all of your questions if you're speaking too fast to even be understood.'

Nico's words seemed to make her laugh, and she waved the ladle again, a few drops of whatever she had been making spilling off of the edge and dripping onto the floor.

'Haha, don't worry about it! You're a real sugar, you know? My voice does get a little tired, but I just have something sweet and I'm good to go.'

He nodded, eyes still glowing with excitement, and moved to the side to inspect the rest of the small chamber. Eurydice turned to speak to Zagreus, who had been standing behind the demigods.

'You're just in time, Your Royal Majesty! Got something real good cooking right here that you and your friends are going to love. You hungry, yeah?'

'Am I ever. You're always so generous. And you're always cooking! And singing. Do you have many guests come by? Your place seems... somewhat off the beaten path.'

'What, you think I get a lot of guests, here? Haha, no, but I like cooking anyway! It's like singing, in a way. Keep getting better the more you try, turns out a bit different each time.'

'Anything you make is good. I always enjoy it. Speaking of...'

'I got it. Take your pick! Your friends can have something too, if they'd like.'

Zagreus took a serving of Pom Porridge for himself, and Nico and Will both took a Pom Porridge  and an Ambrosia Delight, respectfully. Eurydice insisted upon giving them larger servings than usual under the guise of it being a parting gift for her biggest fan (which Will seemed very flattered by) and his friends, but Zag, having known her for a while now, was fairly sure that it was because she had a secret soft spot for young ones. Maybe it was motherly instinct, who knew.  As they made their way down the steps to the boat that they'd left behind, she waved one last time. 

'Bye, hon! See you again!'

'See you next time!'

The ride away from the nymph's chamber was peaceful - well, as peaceful as a ride on an unstable bone boat over a river of molten lava could be. Nico made a happy little noise as he took a spoonful of his pudding, then glared at Will when he went 'aww' and tried to pat him on the head, snatching his bowl away and holding onto it protectively with one hand while the other swatted his boyfriend for what must've been at least the hundredth time this trip. 

'No touching, me or the pudding. And don't look at me like that. I'm not a puppy, so stop it.'

'But shouldn't your significant annoyance at least have the privilege to show it when I think you're cute? I can't have you thinking that you're just a grumpy little ball of darkness that's lacking in the adorability factor.'

'No touching. We'll fall off of the boat.'

'Ughh... fine. Only because I'm not feeling drained, thanks to the sweets from Eurydice.. otherwise, I would need my adorable grumpy little ball of darkness to help me recharge.'

From then on, the ride was hushed apart from the noises of the Underworld. At least, it was, until they heard a noise. It was a fairly ominous sound, not unlike the sound of cackling. Will glanced up from his now-empty dish of Ambrosia Delight, briefly scanning the area that they were floating in. 

'Ah... Please tell me that we accidentally got turned around and that's Euryd-'

He was cut off by a purple ball of fire that looked a bit like the ones they'd encountered when facing off against Megaera, except this one was moderately larger. It only narrowly missed the demigod, hurtling off in the direction that they'd come from. Zagreus cursed under his breath.

'Blood and darkness... You guys are going to have to trust me with what I'm about to do, okay?'

Both of the boys looked alarmed.

'What are you going to-'

'No time to explain, we just have to go. Hold on!'

I feel like this chapter was pretty repetitive in some ways, so sorry about that. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! The song Eurydice is singing is an actual song from Hades, called 'Good Riddance'. I'd highly suggest that you give it a listen!

Brothers from another mother - A Hades and Percy Jackson crossoverOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant