Chapter 32

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3rd pov:

"Who else knew about the crown and the scepter?" Emily heard as she knocked on Evie's patio door.

"Hey," Emily said, walking over to Mal and Evie. "What was going on?"

"Emmy!" Evie said, hugging the girl. Emily winced slightly at the contact before shaking it off and smiling. "I missed you."

"Eves, I lived next door," Emily laughed. She turned to Mal, who gave her a bear hug. Ben must have taught her. "Hi, Your Majesty. How are you?"

"Better now that you're here," Mal squeezed Emily's hands, then let go, and Emily sat down on a chair next to Evie. "So, Emmy," Mal started, clapping her hands together. "The queen's crown and Maleficent's scepter had been taken." Emily looked at Mal and Evie.

"Who else knew?" Emily asked.

"No one," Mal chuckled. "I mean, think about it. People were scared enough as it was. We had to employ these entirely new security measures."

"Are more VKs still going to come over?" Emily asked, raising her eyebrow as she looked at both of her friends.

"Yes," Evie said, snapping her fingers. "Will this delay them coming over?"

"We're talking about closing the barrier for good," Mal said, crossing her arms over her purple dress.

"But you said no, I mean they can't do that," Emily said with a laugh, and Evie nodded.

"Of course, she said no," Evie said. "The four of us are living the dream here, and we finally get to share that. I mean, what could be more important than that?"

"Right?" Emily said.

"Yeah... I know," she turned and took a few steps to the right before sitting down. "I mean, maybe for security or maybe peace of mind for everyone in Auradon."

"Is that what they're thinking?" Emily said, standing up with a wince. "What about all the promises made? No one to ever come out of the Isle again? How else would we be able to make their life better? Mal cannot let that happen, we cannot let that happen."

"Yeah, I know," Mal said.

"Mal," Evie started, taking Mal's hand. "I am so glad that you're going to be queen. You will be a part of these conversations. Emily will stand up for the VKs. Thank you for telling me."

"For telling us," Emily corrected, holding Mal's other hand. "You will be an amazing queen, I can just tell it." The three of them hugged.


"Morning, got the beach towels," Carlos greeted as he made his way into the kitchen with a few beach towels before shoving them into one of their many picnic baskets.

"Morning," Evie smiled as she threw a few apples at Jay for him to pack into another one of their picnic baskets.

Carlos made his way towards Emily who stood by the kitchen counter finishing up some sandwiches and kissed her cheek.

"I really think she's gonna like the cake you made," he whispered to her as she packed the sandwiches into Jay's basket.

"We made. And I think she will," she smiled up at him before kissing his jaw and making her way towards the cake. "Oh, no..." Carlos mumbled when he saw the cake before she did.

"Ok! Who got into Jane's cake?" Emily exclaimed  as Carlos facepalmed 


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