White Sisters - April 10th

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Soft music played in the background, filling the grand ballroom with its melodic notes. People conversed in hushed voices about the latest political happenings, their murmurs blending seamlessly with the harmonious tunes. Amidst the crowd, a woman and a man stood together, engrossed in conversation with a small group of people. The woman was dressed in a striking black Victorian-styled dress, which complemented her long brown hair that was styled in a high bun. She sported a black net hat, high heels, and several silver rings, each adorned with a unique symbol. The man was dressed in a smart Peak Lapel Suit, paired with sleek black shoes and adorned with several rings, much like the woman's. However, his rings bore different symbols, each hinting at a deeper meaning.

At the other end of the grand ballroom, a breathtakingly beautiful young girl caught everyone's attention. She appeared to be around the age of 13 and was dressed in a stunning off-shoulder, dip-back cocktail dress that was as white as snow. The dress was perfectly complemented by a black corset that accentuated her slim figure. Her curly black hair was left loose, and a white bow at the top added a touch of innocence to her overall appearance.

Standing next to her was another girl, who seemed to be around 16 years old. She wore a complete black A-Line evening gown that flowed elegantly as she walked. The dress was paired with long black gloves, and her hair was left loose, just like the first girl. The most striking feature of her appearance was the three silver rings she wore, which resembled the ones that the woman at the centre of the ballroom was wearing.

A bit further away from the two, a third girl, who looked to be around 15 years old, stood in a black Lolita dress. The dress was adorned with ruffles and had long sleeves that made her look like a Gothic princess. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, which added to her quirky and mysterious aura.

All three girls commanded attention as soon as they entered the ballroom. Everyone in the room had approached them, hoping to get a dance or engage in conversation, but to no avail. They turned down all the offers before anyone could even utter a word.

The youngest of them, Nova, was accompanied by a man with platinum blond hair and a striking black suit, a mysterious ring with a mark on it glinting on his finger. The second youngest, Aurora, was deep in conversation with a group of friends, her animated gestures drawing attention from passersby. And finally, the eldest of the three, Bellatrix, had a commanding presence as she walked arm-in-arm with a handsome young man who seemed to be of the same age, dressed in a sleek black suit that both attracted and repelled both men and women alike.


Once upon a time, there were three young fallen angels who were believed to be destined for greatness. However, it remains unclear how they will reach their destined greatness, and what obstacles they might face along the way.


Nova White was the youngest among the White sisters, born into one of the wealthiest and most well-known families in all of Britain. Her family's reputation preceded her, and she was often regarded as the family's prized possession. Despite her young age, Nova was already a talented individual with a multitude of skills. She possessed a natural talent for ice skating, ballet, and singing, making her a triple threat whose abilities were admired by many. However, being the youngest and the most pampered of the White siblings also meant that she had to carry the weight of expectations - the second most expectations to be precise. Despite the immense pressure, Nova was determined to succeed and make her family proud.

Aurora White, the second youngest member of the family, was gifted with exceptional singing and dancing skills. Despite her talents, she was often treated as the black sheep of the family due to her lack of interest in maintaining the same superiority over 'commoners' or 'peasants' as her family members did. While her siblings and other family members looked down upon the lower classes, Aurora held a different perspective and believed in treating everyone with respect and dignity regardless of their social status.

Bellatrix White, the firstborn child of the White family, is an outstanding individual who has accomplished a lot in her life. With her exceptional talents and skills, she has become the pride of her family. Bellatrix has a diverse range of abilities that make her truly exceptional. Not only is she a top-performing student, but she also has an innate talent for ice skating, singing, dancing, combat, and art. Her ice skating skills are remarkable, and she can glide across the rink with the utmost grace and precision. Her singing voice is nothing short of heavenly, and her dancing skills are simply mesmerising. Her martial arts prowess is incredible, and she can take down opponents with ease. When it comes to art, Bellatrix has an eye for detail and can create stunning works of art that leave people in awe. Her dedication and hard work have paid off, as she graduated at the top of her year, making her a true standout in her field.

Clara and Leo White were blessed with three daughters who were nothing short of extraordinary. Their daughters were not only beautiful but also possessed exceptional talent and skill that set them apart from their peers. One would think that their parents would be over the moon to have such amazing children, but that was not the case. Clara and Leo were not disappointed with their daughters, but they weren't exactly proud either. Although they put on a facade of being proud parents for the sake of the press, deep down they were indifferent about their daughters' achievements. This left their daughters feeling unappreciated and unacknowledged for their hard work and accomplishments.

The three sisters, Bellatrix, Aurora, and Nova, all worked tirelessly to gain their parents' recognition and approval. However, their parents' expectations were constantly changing, and it seemed like nothing they did was ever good enough.

Bellatrix was the first to be married off by her parents, to a close friend of the family. Despite feeling no happiness or excitement about the union, Bellatrix accepted the proposal solely to make her parents proud. She took her role as a wife seriously and remained loyal to her husband, even though her heart was not in it.

On the other hand, Aurora could not bear the constant pressure and scrutiny from her parents. At the tender age of 18, she ran away from home and eloped with a man of lower social status. This decision led to her being disowned by her parents, but Aurora was determined to make a life for herself on her own terms.

Nova, like her sisters, also craved her parents' approval. However, when they suggested that she marry one of their friend's sons, Nova refused. She was in love with someone who was in the same social status as her, but her parents were sceptical about the relationship. Despite their objections, Nova fought for her love and eventually won her parents' acceptance.

However, her fiance's father was not as accepting of their relationship and strongly opposed their marriage. In a bid to make him agree, Nova straightened her naturally curly hair and bleached it blonde to match the family's genes. Her fiance was not pleased, but ultimately her soon-to-be father-in-law stopped fighting against their wedding.


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