Lee Family - April 11th

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I looked over at my owl, who was flapping her wings frantically in her cage, clearly disturbed by the fact that we had just apparated. "Calm down girl. We're almost there," I cooed, trying to soothe her. It took her a minute or two, but eventually, she visibly calmed down, hooting softly before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

As I turned to face my two younger brothers, Orion and Leo, I couldn't help but notice their strikingly similar appearances. They both had smooth, spiky hair - chocolate brown for Leo and chestnut brown for Orion - and piercing jade green eyes, which they had inherited from their father. Both boys attended Durmstrang, along with our half-brother Orion.

Leo was the first to speak up, commenting on how nervous my owl had seemed during the apparition. I asked if they thought it was due to the sudden transportation, to which they both agreed. Orion then chimed in, suggesting that I should have gotten a cat instead of an owl, to which Leo countered that a bat would have been even better.

I defended my decision to get an owl, citing their ability to deliver mail, but our argument was cut short by the sound of a familiar voice in the distance. Although I couldn't quite make out who was speaking, I knew it was someone my father knew well. However, we were too busy bickering to pay much attention.

It wasn't until my brothers and I fell into a sudden silence that we noticed something was off. "Leo, Ryan? You feel something?" I asked, scanning our surroundings for any signs of danger. Orion cleared his throat, and Leo spoke up hesitantly. "Um...sis," he said, his voice shaking slightly.

I turned to face whatever had caught my brother's attention, only to be met with a pair of sharp, electric blue eyes filled with rage. I recognized them immediately - they belonged to none other than Delia Lee, our mother, someone I had encountered more times than I cared to remember.As I prepared for the worst, I noticed three blondes in the distance - Mr. Malfoy, his wife, and a third person who I assumed was their son. I had no idea that Mr. Malfoy even had a son, but I pushed that thought aside for the moment and focused on the imminent danger.

Meanwhile, over in the group of adults, Mr. Malfoy had just introduced his son, Draco, to Ronan Lee, the Head of the Department of Mysteries and Prophecies. Ronan was taken aback by the resemblance between Draco and Mr. Malfoy, commenting on how much they looked alike.As the adults chatted, Mr. Lee asked if they had met his children yet. Mrs. Lee went over to where our group was laughing and joking around, but the moment she approached us, we fell into an uneasy silence. She said something to us that I couldn't quite make out, then led us over to where the adults were gathered.

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