[Oneshot] Beatdown

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Surrounded by abandoned infrastructure that was built by the Ancients, the World Tree lies in ruins, with a long past either hidden or lost to time. Relics of the past, lie in either ruin and be left to rot or be rebuilt anew by the Tetians, are made with new purposes that suits this world. Many people and archeologists from all over theorize the Ancients' past by recovering ancient relics. They still frequent this place from time to time, either searching and finding the broken pieces of the past to reconstruct or conquer this mysterious tower for glory and a testament of their strength.

Footsteps echo this desolate place as we slowly pan to an Invader, with a bag on his shoulder and a weapon on his hip, he twists and turns his neck to acknowledge the fallen culture and history. His armor, having a darker tint than your average combatant with clear glowing red lines surrounding the armor, you may as well misidentify him as an elite. As a matter of fact, he is not exactly your ordinary invader. This is Jacob Edwards, a human not affected by the Labose Infection of Earth, he who survived a betrayal from his own men, has quite a story to tell.


As we see dear Jacob wander around the 'World Tree', he thinks back to how his whole adventure started. Ever since he suddenly got transported to this dimension, he was initially excited to be in a world he knew of, played and adored. Once awoken and greeted by the Time Fairy, it gave him a choice, either be transported to Tetis and be probably end up like Catherine, or be end up in one of the invader ships. He weighed the pros and cons of both options, the only caveat he saw for the former at that time is the instant knowledge to know and speak all the widely used languages in Tetis, but the gratification on acquiring the knowledge of the former and seeing their technology firsthand enticed him too much and chose the latter. Before leaving, he requested for his phone and all of the knowledge within to be back on his possession along with his charger. It stared at him, then held up its arm and shone a bright flash at Jacob.

As he slowly opened his eyes again, he saw the wall an alleyway. He looked around and realized he had made a major blunder. Having nothing aside from his phone, charger, and clothes that he is currently wearing, he basically had nothing. 'I...I didn't think this one through didn't I.', he thought somberly. 'At least I still have my phone...' 

The first few weeks was a struggle for him, being different from the rest of his race doomed him to be an outcast. Being forced to be resourceful, he looted, scavenged, and generally seek out any and all resources and information from the ship called Primira. At least the language that he speaks is the universal language for all of the ships.

A few months in, he got the hang of it. Learned the new ways of livin', slangs, and currency. Basically, if you have no credits, you have to pay in labor, guess some things never change. During the few months he was 'homeless', he tinkered and toyed around with the technological scrap laying around. Most were duds but some were prevailed like the makeshift taser from overcharged batteries, wires and metal and an intractable holographic book made from broken glass, computer chips, old phone and laptop parts, and LEDs.

After gaining sympathy from a small repair shop, he landed a job in Drake's Wears and Reparis where he worked on his skills at sewing and manufacturing as well as engineer and as a programmer for his time of struggle rekindled his passion once more. After brainstorming with his boss and co-workers, he made a dark cloak, covering his appearance as a human for the discrimination he experienced for the past year and half was just too much on his psyche. Bought a phone when he had the chance and oh boy was it just another drum of worms.

Speaking of his phone, he glanced at it checking the time. 'It's already 14:27 huh'. He said in his thoughts as he put it back in his bag. 'I wonder where she is right now. Heh, probably messing with the local guards'.

Invader JacobWhere stories live. Discover now