[Story] Prologue_2_New Beginnings

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"Log #1

Am I dreaming or am I in a state of mental instability?  I'm still having a hard time grasping this whole "Welcome to your new life in another world!" thing. Anyways, existential dread aside, being in a new world does sound intriguing but that is completely out of the window when you didn't ask for it y'know?!

One moment I was sleeping and then another moment is me suddenly waking up to a complete and utter DARK VOID. I still shudder when I try to get rest because of it. Guess this is what PTSD feels like huh. Anyways, in case I forget, time to save my personal info now rather than later."

Name: Jacob Edwards

Age: 17

Place of Origin: New Orleans (but stayed in another country for most of my childhood but it still counts)

Birth date: August 24, 2006

Date of arrival of the new world: July 24, 2024

Likes: Tasty food, building cool things, simple maths, drawing (although not being good at it), cooperation, sports like badminton and being cool 

Dislikes: Complex maths, contact sports, being too social, public speaking, being a chuni

Personal Info: A 17 year old American-Asian with an average black hair. 

Regrets: ...why did I even add this?

Aspirations: To be a person who wants to build cool and amazing things like Mark Rober.

"That should do it for now. Just gonna find a way to survive with nothing but my clothes from my back and my trusty phone n' charger with me. Did you know I slept while I somehow held my phone and charger before being transported to this world? Crazy right? Guess doing an all-nighter gaming sessions with the boys for a week straight while having consistent 4-5 hour sleep does that to a man's body. Jacob out."

"Log #1.5

For some strange reason, I can recognize the designs of the people are wearing. I may be wrong but these guys look a bit like Invaders from a game I used to play called Guardian Tales. Just throwing a guestimation from their skin color being orange along with their prominent masks. I need to exercise caution, knowing what they will do to the humans at Tetis, I doubt that they would treat me like they treat their own. Bonus note, they still use English as their language. Makes my job of understanding them significantly easier, Jacob out."

"Log #2

It's...probably day 2 now. Not really sure but a guy's gotta do to stay on track I guess. I still need to find a way to get food and water quickly, perhaps acting like I wasted my money would be a good backstory for little old Jacob. Still need a better alias than Klark...Reymond? I don't know man, hadn't eaten anything since yesterday and my phone is at 68%, need to preserve power now until I somehow can something that accepts my charger's voltage intake and not destroying it. Enough worries, more searching. Jacob out."

"Log #3

It has been two days since yesterday and from I could gather, this world isn't an actual world, but a ship! I roughly memorized my way from my cubby whole and the Ejection Site. Still don't know what its actual name is but it just ejects seemingly good stuff to space. Why do they need to do that actually? Couldn't they just recycle it somehow instead of just yeeting it to space for no reason? Is it for mapping purposes or something? So many questions in such short time...Need to type it down on a separate Note later.

On another note, I somehow made my 'disguise' as a homeless person from thrown out clothing and a mask of what looks like a character from this world's anime show. They cover my whole body just enough to not let them see my face and skin, don't want them to be racially motivated to get my ass yeah? Anyways, finally got the courage to talk a kind looking Invader if there was any homeless shelter nearby, to my surprise there was. He pointed towards my left and told me that it was near somewhere near the gym there. Guess my stuttering and scared voice further convinced my act cuz he even gave my his...money I think. It's like paper money but not really? Guess I have something to search in my to do list, Jacob out."

"Log #4

To my absolute surprise, there are really still homeless people, even in this advanced society. I had top think on the spot when I told them where I was after telling them my name, age and occupation. Told them I suffered a head trauma when I accidentally fell down and hit my head, resulting in me having to cover my face with a mask from the ejection site or whatever. 

Glad they somehow bought into it. The food is what I can still remember back on Earth, just a bit more weird due to how advance everything was. Grace, the one who gave me the food and water, is such a sweetheart. Despite being a volunteer, it felt like she really worked here, helping the needy and being patient ever patient of my constant questions, I...this, yeah...guess this what having a crush feels like...Jacob out."

"Log #5" (Most recent entry as of now)

Things are doing great as of now, after finally finding much needed food, water and shelter, it is finally time to focus on other things. After strolling around Markendue Avenue, I saw a help wanted poster for a 7/11 as a cashier, got me thinking of getting a job. 

Hmm, might need to ask a favor in the shelter if I can use their computers and also teach me how to use it. Like seriously, it looks like a gaming pc on steroids. My 21st Century brain can't handle today's society. I shudder to think what the Internet is like. I wonder what kind of memes they make nowadays, I sure hope it ain't like those brainrot brain stimulating memes, I would rather watching people getting hurt than my brain melting into mush thank you bery much!

Aside from that, nothing too special happened to day, finally got used to everything within a week! I sure hope I'm not gonna mentally break down in the future when I confront what my actual purpose is in this 'world'. Note to self: make friends that know and/or are trustworthy therapists, Jacob out."

As Jacob finishes reading his Logs, he stretches on his bunk bed he decides to call it a day. All of that walking forced him to have a regular sleep schedule which he mentally loathed but bodily rejoiced. As tucked himself to bed, with his disguise and all, he wondered how long he could last before he gives in and removed his disguise in favor of normal clothing and risking his human identity finding out every time he sleeps.

He mentally chuckled from a joke he told himself and replied back with a joke of his own. The mental conversation slowly stopped as he fully went to sleep. He dreams of fighting alongside the Knight of Kanterbury and their party, fighting against what looks like a mimic from the Dungeon Kingdom. He would then forget this dream when he wakes up.

Invader JacobTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon