
33 1 0

Word Count: 410


It was dark tonight. And raining. Hard. Just my luck. Of course this happened the one night I felt nice enough to take over my coworker's shift because she was feeling a little sick.

I squinted and leaned forward a bit. I never really liked driving when it was pouring outside. I never felt like I could see all of the road, and it made me feel vulnerable.

The car speakers, connected to my phone, were blaring out some punk rock song from a playlist Spotify had made for me. The brights were turned off, since all the light was doing was making it harder to see the road by refracting through the heavy downpour.

The road I usually took to get home was extremely dangerous during storms, the rain making the asphalt extra slick. Not to mention the several hills, which you couldn't see over until you were right on top of it.

Those conditions all added up should have been enough to convince me to take a longer, but safer, route home. But my brain was on autopilot, too busy looking ahead to make sure I wasn't going to hit anything. So I made the turn onto the road that had been engraved into my mental map without even realizing it.

Of course, the second I noticed I had made the turn earlier than I should've, I was halfway down the road. So I kept going. No use in turning around now.

How wrong I was.

It was just... there, when I got to the second hill. A deer, standing in the middle of the road. In my lane. Not even moving.

Everything happened so fast.

Slamming the brakes.

Jerking the wheel.


Driving off the road.

Slamming into a tree.

Flying through the windshield.

And hitting my head against the tree trunk with a sickening crack.

Immediately, everything went black.

Then from black, to nothing at all.

It was like that for what seemed like forever. But, somehow, the darkness started to soften into a light grey.

And then I opened my eyes.

I was inside, safe, and lying in bed. A soft white light from the full moon was filtering through the windows — one regular sized and one very large — to my right.


This wasn't my bed, or my room. It didn't even look like it might be a hospital. Just some random bedroom that looked strangely familiar.

Where the hell am I?


Notes: okay, i know a lot of you are wondering "Why was this posted in the Psych tag? There's no Psych?" And to that I would like to say: this is just the prologue. It is setting up the story for later. I s w e a r Shawn will be in the next update, aka the first chapter. And yes, the title for the whole story is called "Call Me Cinnamon", I couldn't think of anything more creative. Sorry. And no, the chapters will not be this short. Again: THIS IS JUST THE PROLOGUE. I've already written most of the chapters one two and three, and they're all a little over a thousand words each.

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