Huh. Well, That's New

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Notes: Thisssss took foreverrrrrr. But it's done now! So here you go :3 Also, big thanks to obsidiancreates for beta reading this chapter!

Word count: 2,076


Walking into the station, the two — technically three — almost immediately ran into Lassiter, who also happened to be going in.

"Lassie! Fancy seeing you here." They had stopped at the front doors inside, next to the counter at the entrance.

He just gave Shawn an icy stare. "Spencer, I work here. You on the other hand, do not."

He's about to continue walking further down the hall. Shawn asked, "Where's Jules?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but she's in the Chief's office. What are you two doing here? Don't you have your own circus to run?"

"Okay first of all: ouch, Lassie. You wound me. And Gus too. Second of all: we run a very real private detective business, solving your very real crimes."

Lassiter scoffed. "Oh please. A frat house run by monkeys would be better at solving crimes than you two buffoons."

Shawn heard a small 'ooo buuuurned!' from Cinnamon, but ignored her and continued "-and third of all: the Chief called us in for a meeting, said it was urgent. Not sure what it's about. Although," he quickly comes to a realization, and raises his fingers to his temple, "I'm sensing that it's the same meeting she scheduled with you and Jules."

Lassiter's face scrunched up in confusion. "What? Why would she call you two in?"

Gus cut in before Shawn could. "No idea. She didn't say anything over the phone."

Shawn noticed that Cinnamon was being uncharacteristically quiet, save for the comment from earlier. He looked over at the nearest reflection — a mirror just above the bench at the entryway— and saw her standing directly in front of Lassiter, the biggest grin ever on her face.

"God, he is so much hotter in person."

That really caught him off guard. Sure, Lassie was good looking, to the point where even he couldn't deny it. But he didn't expect her to say it so bluntly and up front like that. That seemed to be a common theme with Cinnamon.

She started rambling. "...but damn, I forgot he got that horrible haircut. It's absolutely atrocious. He looked so much better in... 2008? No, no... 2011! Yeah, 2011." She put a finger to her chin in thought. "But it did look really nice in 2017." She nodded to herself, but looked confused for a second. "Wait. It's 2010 now, right?"

Subconsciously, Shawn let out a short laugh before trying to cover it.

But Lassiter caught it, and asked, "What's so funny?"

Shawn thought on his feet, and quickly said, "Oh, nothing. Just the spirits. And...oh!" His fingers sprung back up to his head. "They are saying your haircut is, quote-unquote, 'atrocious'."

Unimpressed, he just gave Shawn a look and turned around.

"Wait, noooo! Why'd you say that I said that? Tell him I take it back!"

Too late. Lassiter had already stalked off.

"You're just mad jealous I like Lassie more than you."

Shawn huffed a small sigh. He was about to tell her to suck it, but stopped himself, remembering that he was literally the only person who could even hear Cinnamon. He turned to Gus. "Go on ahead, tell the Chief I'll be right there."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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