Testing. Testing. Can You Hear Me?

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Notes: My boss was feeling sick today so she let me have the day off, and you can bet that I took advantage of that and worked on finishing this chapter. Anywayyy... I hope this doesn't seem too OOC, I'm still semi-new at writing

Word Count: 1,372


There was a loud clap of thunder, and Shawn woke up with a startle. He could've sworn he'd just gotten into a- but no, he just had a really bad dream. He was here, safe in his bed. In his apartment. It was just a nightmare. That's all. But... damn, it had felt so real. He could still recall the feeling of getting thrown through the windshield, hitting his head, and the blackness that came quickly after.

He looked outside, expecting it to be dark and cloudy. After all, it was thunder that woke him up. But it wasn't raining, much less storming. In fact, there wasn't even a cloud in the night sky. The stars were clearly visible, twinkling like glitter. And the moon was full, filling the room with a soft, white light. A short glance at his alarm clock told him it was midnight.

He was just about to fall back asleep when he heard something.

"Where the hell am I?"

Great, now he was hearing voices. "I really need to stop taking so much melatonin before bed."

"Who said that?"

That got him to sit up.

"Why does the voice in my head sound like some sorority girl from the Midwest?"

"Sorry? Wait- do I actually sound like a fucking- what??"

Shawn raised his eyebrows at that, a slight panic starting to set in him. These definitely weren't his thoughts.

"Uhhmm, what the hell's going on?"

He jumped out of bed, and practically sprints to the bathroom.

"Ow, what the f- almost gave me whiplash, holy shit."

Flicking on the light switch, Shawn rushes to the sink and turns the tap on, splashing water on his face. But, something wasn't right.

"Oh. My. God. No fucking way."

Shawn slowly raises his eyes to look back at the mirror. What he sees makes him stumble back, colliding slightly with the wall. He looks at the mirror, but it's not his reflection that looks back at him.

It was a... girl? Honestly, if it hadn't been for the feminine voice, he would've had trouble trying to tell if she was a she or a he. And currently, her reaction was the polar opposite of his. She was standing still, mouth slightly open in shock, but the corners tilted slightly upwards in a lopsided open-mouth smile. Her hands were slightly shaking, and moving around, like she couldn't decide what to do with them.

"I'm dreaming. That's it, it's just another really freaky, really realistic dream."

"Well, if this is a dream, then I sure as hell never want to wake up." She slowly started leaning in, and tapped the glass of the mirror. "This is wack, man."

"Who even are you? Please don't say you're the ghost of the owner's daughter I'm renting this place from and now you're here to haunt me."

That got her to laugh. "PAHAHAHA, nice. Love the reference. And no, not that I'm aware of. I just, kinda woke up here. And my name?" She thought for a minute. "Hmmm. I guess just call me Cinnamon. Or Cin. Or Cinny. Or Toast."

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