We Get Some Rules To Follow (That and This)

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Notes: I have decided to dedicate this chapter to ADHDdumbass on AO3. Thank you so much for the lovely comments! It inspired me to finally finish writing out this chapter. I hope you enjoy <3

Word Count: 1,919


Neither of them got any sleep that night.

Cinnamon stayed up because she couldn't sleep, the adrenaline  leftover from when she had realized her situation keeping her up. (Do  ghosts even get adrenaline? He'd have to look it up later.)

And Shawn... well, he was busy thinking, despite Cinnamon's warning  against it. He was thinking about how he now knew ghosts were real, and  he's just been possessed by one. Also about how this ghost was not only  well aware that he was not psychic, but also knew most of his life  story. Well, mostly moments from his childhood, and the slightly  unethical way he solved his cases (although that didn't make it any less  creepy).

He glanced at the windows, and saw that some sunlight was starting to  peak through. Great, now he was going to be extra tired all day. He  turned his head to look at the long horizontal mirror on his wall, and  watched as Cinnamon paced around the room.

He had thought about their situation as well. After all, there was now a whole person  inside of him, albeit the ghost of one, sharing his body. It felt  invasive, like he was now no longer able to have any privacy, never mind  the fact she knew more than she should about him. Was this what it was  like for people with DID? God, that must suck.

Sometime during the night, he had briefly considered calling Father  Westley to see if he was still up, and would be able to perform an  exorcism on him. But, something had stopped him. He thought back to when  he was talking to Cinnamon, and the dangerous knowledge she told him  she had. Sure, she was a bit eccentric, and threw facts about Shawn  around like it was confetti. But it was obvious that she had no  malicious intent. Besides, what could she do? Tell someone? Yeah, not  likely.

"Hey, Shawn?"

He startled a bit, before he looked and saw Cinnamon herself standing  right in front of the mirror. She smiled when she saw that he was  already up.

"Oh good, you're awake! How'd you sleep?"

He heaved a sigh. "I didn't. It's kinda hard to, when... you know..." Shawn waved his hand around in Cinnamon's general direction.

She sucked in a sharp breath between her teeth, making a kind of hissing sound. "Yikes. Yeah, sorry about that. I mean, I couldn't sleep either, if that helps. I was too busy thinking. And maybe experimenting."

He fully sat up at that. "Experimenting?"

"Mhm! You know, finding out what I can do, now that I'm... well, a ghost."

She moved over to his nightstand, and put her hand behind a framed photo of him and Gus, as if she was going to push it off. "For instance-"

"No- no wait don't-!"

Just before her hand hit the picture, it went clean through, and the  only thing that could indicate that she had attempted to swat it off was  the frame giving a faint tremble.

"Nothing happens. I mean, it moved like, a little bit. But that's it. I can't really interact with the material world."

"Huh. Interesting." He sat for a minute before speaking up again. "Hey, Cinnamon."


"I know you said that not asking questions was the best way to stay sane..."


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