Chapter 1

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The rain thudded against the kitchen window. Thunder rumbled and roared, muffling through the thick glass. The house was quiet, the only source of noise coming from the television. The house was empty, besides the girl half asleep on the couch, as she was drifting off into a peaceful, deep slumber, she was rudely interrupted.

ring, ring, ring.

The teenage girl jolted awake, hearing the annoyingly loud ring of the house phone. She groaned, slowly getting up from the comfy position she was previously in. She stomped towards the counter, answering the phone. She rolled her eyes, "Hello?" she said in an annoyed tone. No response, "Hello??" she said in an even more irritated voice. Silence.

The girl hung up, on her way back to the couch, back to her peace and quiet.

ring, ring, ring.

She stopped. Turning around now walking back over to where she was very previously. She yanked the phone from the holder, "Who is this?" she said quickly. The phone spoke, "Is this Janice from support group?" The girl sighed, "No, she's not home right now." She said, as the voice was talking about her mother. "Oh, well can you take a message?" The manly voice said, "Can't you call back?" The teenager asked. "Someone's a little feisty" The man chuckled. "Well, I'm tired, and I have short term memory, so...bye." The girl went to hang up, "Wait, wait, let's talk" the man said. The girl reluctantly put the phone back up to her ear, while walking towards the couch. "Talk about what?" she asked, plopping down on the cushion. The man spoke, "Well uh...what's your favorite scary movie?" the girl giggled. "Uh, I would have to say...sleepaway camp" she answered. "What do you like about it?" she thought, "I don't know, I guess I like campy movies."

"Well do you like camping?" "Heck no, I hate bugs" the man chuckled. "What about you?" she asked. "I don't like scary movies, it's hard for me to sleep at night." "Scaredy cat" they both laughed. "What's your name?" he asked, "Char" she said, now pausing "Why are you asking so many questions?" she said, half smiling.

"Because I want to know who I'm looking at."

She froze. Quickly looking around. "Who is this?" she said panicking, the phone hung up. She jumped up now grabbing her actual phone, she ran to the kitchen, grabbing a knife. she now ran down the hall, now stopping.

The door was wide open.

Char now paced up the stairs, dialing 911. "911, what is your emergency?" the operator said, "I think there's someone in my house" she said. "I'm dispatching emergency services, to your home, for now, find somewhere to hide." She now ran into her bedroom, locking the door behind her, she ran to the window, opening it for fresh air. she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, she now turned around eyes closed.

She now gasps, feeling a pressure on her chest. Her eyes fly open, she sees a figure, dressed in black, with a mask, a ghost mask. She is speechless, she looks down to the sharp pain, only to see a knife buried in her chest. Char screams as the intruder pushes her. She falls out the window, everything goes in slow motion as she falls. She looks up at the ghost, wide eyed, screaming her heart out, until finally, CRACK. She hits the concrete.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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