Book 5 Chapter 10 (Readying for the Tower)

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A/N - Kept you waiting long enough ain't I?


Taimanin Agency Building - Shinobi Base

"Li Mayfeng = While she was successful in the eyes of Nomad, she was struggling to pay her own gang due to how much she was giving to Edwin Black to boost her own position. Her gang called The Nine Dragons were on the cusp of rebelling against her. This cause Li Mayfeng to make a risky deal with a Criminal Group called Crimson Tower, ran by Tendo Kazuma, who recently overthrew the prior leader. Li Mayfeng was trying to give them Drugs, Slaves, Guns (Anything they wanted really) so that she could get a large payment for her gang. Though Edwin would not approve of this deal... So if it blew up in her face... Her loyalty would be questioned..."

Y/N - "So this is what we know about Mayfeng then?"

Annerose Vjara - "This and that she has only managed to strengthen her position in Nomad since the Opperation on Oboro."

Y/N - "Yeah... Hope that "Power Girl" isn't gonna be any trouble..."

Daidouji - "I would like to volunteer to go on this operation. I want to face her in one on one combat!"

Y/N - "Uhhh... Is that wise?"

Suzune - "While I would usually disagree... Daidouji is one of the strongest people that I know... She could likley hold them off by herself."

Daidouji - "I will test just how strong she really is!"

Y/N - "Alright... And i'm not just saying this because I know there's no changing your mind now..."

Uehara Rin - "So what else do we know about the 'Crimson Tower'?"

Kozuki Sana - "Hmm... Lemme see... *Pulls out a file* The Crimson Tower is a series of buildings in Amidahara that surround a red skyscraper... Hence the name." *She brings up a holographic Image on the table everyone is stood around*

" *She brings up a holographic Image on the table everyone is stood around*

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Suzune - "Is that all we know?"

Kozuki Sana - "Not at all. Place is Huge, the tower itself has 80 Floors above ground and 30 below it. Even worse for us is that there is actually two boss offices there now..."

Asagi Igawa - "How do we know this?"

Kozuki Sana - "I was gettin' to that... *Shouts to the back room* 'EY GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!!!"

 *Shouts to the back room* 'EY GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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