Sleeping or Not

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When we got back to my new room. He asked where he could sleep and I said the bed since there is no counch. He was kinda surprised because I was always shy around him and now I wanted him to sleep in my bed. I've changed since the last time I saw him.
But he thinks I'm still the shy gurl who always bites her nails, well he's in for a big surprice. When we both lay down we are facing each other and he looks into my eyes and says "You've changed haven't you?" I just look at him in the dark because I'm speechless because he is this close. I say " Yeah, but so have you." You aren't the same guy I use to know. He says yeah and asks if that's a bad thing? I told him " Not necessarily."

So we lay there and after about ten minutes of us starring at each other he turns over and I just lay there looking at his back.

I wake up and he is laying there with his arms wrapped around me, and im totally screaming like a little girl inside my head, but on the outside im calm and waking him up calmly.

"Goodmorning Zach" I said. "Goodmoning Maddie" he said. He got up and started walking to the door, he said "Im going to bring you breakfast and some new clothes,  then we will train.

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