Tim makes an important arrest

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Tim said "how about we get out of this break room?" Lucy said "I really don't feel like going back out on patrol now" Tim said "u don't have too" and got up out of his seat. Lucy also got up and she followed Tim to the locker rooms, he said "get ur stuff and I'll take u home" Lucy raised her eyebrow and said "won't grey suspect anything?" He replied "I'll sort that out without giving all ur information to him don't worry. I said I would help u and I meant it" Lucy faintly smiled at him as she realised how much he really meant it, she said "Thankyou" he nodded and she went to her locker and grabbed her things then came back out, Tim drove her back to her apartment and said "I'll be here later okay?" Lucy nodded and Tim said "if u need me before that just call me" Lucy said "okay I will" and Tim turned around and left the apartment to continue his shift, he went to greys office and said "Lucy has a lot of personal things going on right now so I decided it's as best for her to go home sir" being very careful not to expose too much information. Grey said "what's happened?" Tim said "she had an abusive ex which I'm going to go and arrest now" grey nodded and said "yea do that" and supported Tim's decision on sending Lucy home. Tim thanked grey and left the office then went to find Angela, he said "hey Angela can u do me a favour?" She said "is it another case?" Tim said "yea but.." Angela interrupted "Tim I'm so busy" Tim rolled his eyes and said "u still owe me from ur wedding and it's about Lucy" Angela looked at Tim and said "what happened?" He took a deep breath and explained to Angela everything that Lucy told him about her ex (Joe) and his friend, he also mentioned how the joe's friend (Chris) raped her on the way to the gym. Angela was quite concerned and said "how is she doing?" Tim shook his head and said "I'm dealing with that but I need ur help so I can arrest Joe and Chris which will help her get over it" Angela said "yea Of course, I'll have addresses for u shortly, but can't u just ask Lucy where Joe lives?" Tim said "I don't want to tell her in arresting them just yet or she might not trust me" Angela sighed and said "okay.. I'll ring u when I've found it all out" he thanked her and left to go back out on patrol. As much as he wanted to go to Lucy's apartment and stay with her to make sure she was okay, he knew he had to finish his shift and he wanted to arrest Joe and Chris which he was hoping could be done today too.

It didn't take long for Angela to ring him, he answered and she said "I have Joe's address but I haven't found Chris's yet as we don't have a last name or anything. If u get Joe I might be able to pressure him into snitching on his friend" Tim said "thankyou ur the best" Angela said "no problem I'll text u the address now" and hung up. He received the text and drove the shop to the location, he eventually pulled up to this house like the Sat Nav told him too and he looked at it, it was a huge, modern mansion that stood out on the street. The other houses were big and posh but nothing like Joe's. Tim turned off the shop's engine and stood at its grand gates that guarded the entrance, thinking of how to get in because if he pressed the button then Joe would know he was there and definitely wouldn't let him in. He looked around the property's edge and found a way he could get in, he didn't know if he could do this by the book but he didn't care at this moment of time. He just wanted Joe to get a punishment for what he did and for Lucy to feel safe, he climbed over the fence at a certain point where he knew he could get in. He then walked up the driveway carefully incase he was seen and up to the front door. He thought for a minute if he should knock or just go straight in but he decided to give Joe a chance and knocked on the door.

Tim knocked on the door loudly and there was no reply, he then knocked again and shouted "LAPD" to give Joe one last chance before he kicked the door down. There was still no answer, Tim didn't even know if he was home but he didn't care, no one messes with Lucy like that and gets away with it. He kicked the door open and went in with his gun pointing at every room he went past as he cleared them. He cleared all of downstairs and then made his way upstairs, it took him ages to clear the mansion because of how big it was but one thing was circling Tim's mind 'how can Joe afford this huge modern mansion? Lucy never mentioned he was anyone important or had an impressive job..but maybe she just left that part out of it'. He cleared upstairs and came to the conclusion that Joe wasn't home, after all he knew that was a possibility and it wasn't guaranteed that he'd be home. He lowered his gun but still had it in his hand and he walked back towards the front door, slightly disappointed that he wasn't able to arrest Joe in this moment.

As he was walking back down the long, grand stairs, he heard the front door open. Tim's heart started pounding and felt as if it was about to burst out of his chest. Because he was still walking down the stairs, he was in quite a vulnerable position as he was still walking down the stairs and was about half way so he couldn't quickly get to the top or the bottom. He decided to keep going down the stairs because if he went back up that means he would have his back facing the door where Joe would be shortly. He increased his speed down the stairs and kept his eyes glaring at the front door with his gun pointing at it, although he was at the wrong position to shoot. Joe walked in through the front door and didn't notice Tim at first as he turned around and closed the front door but when he turned back around, facing the huge hallway and stairs, he saw Tim still walking fast down the stairs although he was close to the bottom now. Joe whipped a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at Tim, he shouted "who are u?" Tim had reached the bottom of the stairs now and said "I'm in the LAPD" Joe immediately started shooting at Tim and Tim dived behind a sofa for cover, bullets just missing him. He then got back onto his knees and started shooting back at Joe, Joe had instant regret for shooting at Tim but couldn't stop now. After all, he could've avoided jail if he was careful about his lies and let Tim arrest him peacefully but now he would 100% be arrested for shooting at an officer and he would be suspected even more for abusing Lucy.

The crossfire was still going and Tim ran out of ammo, he sat himself behind the sofa thinking about what to do and knew Joe would kill him if he had the chance. Joe's gun also stopped firing as Tim sat behind the sofa and Tim could hear his footsteps getting closer and closer which made his heartbeat increase even more, he was desperately trying to think of a plan and really regretted coming on his own and not calling it in because nobody could help him now. Joe reached the sofa and pointed his gun at Tim, Tim put his hands up and said "don't shoot" Joe smiled as he realised how much power he had right now and said "why not?" Tim thought for a minute then said "I'm going to make u a deal.." Joe was now very intrigued and said "and what would that be?" Tim said "we have a fight..if I win u go to jail and if I loose then u go free without a charge" Joe raised his eyebrow and said "why would I do that when I can kill u right now?" Still having his gun pointing at Tim.

Tim thought quickly for a minute then said "because if u kill me, ur going to get caught and ur also going to have a murder charge on top of what u did to Lucy but if I loose the fight u get no charge at all" Joe thought about this offer carefully for a minute and said "alright then, I guess ur right" Tim smiled as he watched Joe put the gun away, of course he wasn't going to let Joe free without a charge if he lost the fight but he was glad that Joe accepted this deal and believed it. Tim stood up and took the first punch, they were both fighting and Joe managed to throw Tim across the room and into the wall. Tim thought of Lucy at home by herself waiting for him to return and that made him get up, he fought like he never had before and eventually had Joe on the floor in cuffs. Tim dragged Joe to his feet and out to the shop, he drove back to the station with blood dripping down his forehead from the fight and his breathing was still heavy but he didn't care, all he cared about was that he got Joe in cuffs and he was half way done with this which would help Lucy's recovery massively.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 23 ⏰

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