Chapter 3

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I couldn't deal, with the man anymore. That stupid directer was always having me run to get drinks to get this and that, he never let me be around oppa. I grumble as i sit down to watch as the group dances the scene of the mv it makes so much sense. The director is keeping me away so his little girl could kiss up to him and the other members.

I want to punch her square in the face, if I could oh, a lot if people would have black eyes here, all but bigbang.

Aish! Why did they ask me to help! They threw me to the side! Well, all but taeyang, he's nice to me. He tells me to not give up but, when that girl.


No, now is not the time. I had work to do. Just as I looked up from organizing the clothes.

THAT'S MONSTER! Ji Yong was, once again with the directors daughter. Oh she is glad there was a wall in between us or she would have it. I wouldn't let go of her until I had dragged her all the outside. But, what would my dad do, I would probably disappoint him, BUT WHO THE CRAP CARES! Its Ji Yong's fault. One minute he tells me to call him Oppa next he is ignoring me.


I looked down at the table I had been leaning on with my hands. I didn't realize I let my self cry again. I promised myself I wouldn't again over myself. I sniffed and whipped my eyes.

"Crying doesn't suit you."

I whipped around, Taeyang.

"Taeyang," I whispered my chin shivering slightly before I bursted out into full out tears and whaling. He came closer and hugged me.

"He's stupid isn't he." He whispered "he really is."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~at home~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The soft purr of my bike stopped and I pulled out my key from the ignition. I took off my helmet hanging it on the rack before unlocking the back door. Our house was small compared to the studio, my bedroom was kinda big, my dad tried to make me happy and all.

I opened the door and walked straight to the kitchen, setting the keys on the counter. Pulling open the fridge door, grabbing a can of root beer, closing the door I started to walk to my room when I hand grabbed my wrist pulling me to the living room.

"(Y/N) whats going on? I hear you crying at the MV shoot, you stand in the dance room with out dancing and, you don't talk with Ji Yong before the MV shoot all you guys would do is talk, whats going on baby girl I wanna help." My dad holds both of my hands in his, by now I'm crying again, shoulders shaking, head down, tears hitting the carpet.

I yank my hands out of his and slowly pick up my drink he had set on the coffee table and trudge to my room. When I'm inside and I hear my dad leave for a meeting with the director. I crash I explode tear amd screams of hurt and pain.

Useless. Useless. Useless. Useless.

Thats what I am to him now. I cant do this, with him not talking to me. I jump up grabbing my bike keys off the counter. I grab my phone just as it rings.

"hey Youngbae."

"Hey, its Ji Yong I knew you wont answer if I used my phone."

I fought the erg to cry.

"Well I wanted to say sorry and um I wanted to hear your voice, I saw you crying at the MV shoot I wanted to come over but Youngbae was there and I knew you wouldn't want me anyways, so um I don't want to say this but we're leaving tonight from the MV shoot and straight to the airport."

I didn't answer no noise the tears just fell.

"Id like it if you came to say goodbye."

The beeping off the call being ended sounded in my ear.

"NO!" I screamed crying some more tears as I ran out to the back getting my bike purring before letting it roar.

The street lights blurred, I fought my helmet. I wont crash, I'm sure I'll be ok. I ran a red light on accident, i looked around ok no cop.

Just as I pulled up to the going away party. A car past me I didn't get a good look inside I thought I saw the directors daughter.

I pulled up silencing the purr of my bike. I ran up to the door and swinging it wide I jogged into the room. My dad was sitting with the director board in a small circle.


This isn't a party.


HEY!! Sorry it took so long I've been busy sadly well I hope you like!!

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