shared room

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Also there is finally some ruikasa in this so yeee


                   Tsukasa pov

Of course the girls share a room, and I had to share a room with Rui. I'm not sad about it but what even would we do to the girls like wtf!

"Rui why are you so insurerable sometimes?! Please move your robot parts before I break my face from falling over them!" I scolded Rui.

"Can I just do what I'm interested in without being harassed?! And also oww! Your voice is too loud, I really should get a volume button for you" Rui said in an annoyed tone.

"You don't talk to a star like me that way! And I wasn't harassing you I was telling you to clean up a bit, there is a large difference! Now get to bed soon before I make you go to bed!" I said bluntly.

"Fine fine I'll go to bed after cleaning my mechanical parts up. Ah nani?! One bed!?" Rui said too loudly so I slapped my hand over his mouth to make his voice more quiet.

"Don't be so loud about it please! I know I'm the loud one but you are being louder then I usually am so shush." I said annoyed as he had broke my ears.

"F*CK YOU!" Rui said purposely trying to be loud.


                     Rui pov

"F*CK YOU!" I said as soon as Tsukasa removed his hand from over my mouth. Tsukasa jumped onto the bed and threw a pillow at my head causing me to loose my balance and fall over into my chair.

"Fine if you want to be that way I'm sleeping on the couch!" I said dramatically. I knew I was going to get cold since I was sick but didn't show it and I had a large sunburn as well. I shivered and Tsukasa obviously noticed, but I refused to give him my attention.

"Rui please, if you are cold already sleeping on the couch will not help! Please just sleep at least, you always pull all-nighters and you haven't been eating even if I force food in you! Please just tell me what's wrong!" Tsukasa begged me.

"Fine, I'm sick and I've been refusing to eat because of my eating disorder. If I eat something  fatty I will throw up, I don't want to eat since the food your making me eat is high fat and I already feel sick enough as it is. So please stop forcing me to eat, I can go without food for long periods of time and I don't even eat at home either." I said to Tsukasa hoping he'd stop force-feeding me.

"Rui.... I didn't know you had an eating disorder. I'm so sorry for making you eat when you don't want to. But please just try to sleep it's not healthy to do what your doing..." Tsukasa said genuinely worried for my health.

"I'll try to sleep, but I can't promise I will." I said while going over to the bed.

"Good your trying to sleep at least." Tsukasa said with a little smile.

TIMESKIP A FEW HOURS LATER.                 (still rui pov)

I Stared at the ceiling struggling to fall asleep, I felt Tsukasa's warm embrace. Tsukasa moved closer to me and snuggled into me.

(Thinking is 'hello' and speaking is "hello" for future reference)

'Why do I feel this way about Tsukasa being so close to me. Why am I getting warm? What is this feeling? Why do I kind of like it though...'  I thought as I snuggled into Tsukasa's warmth and he put his head on my chest. I played with Tsukasa's hair and he seemed to enjoy it because he cuddled closer to me. I knew he wouldn't be happy that I cut myself but he didn't need to find out about that. I felt his soft slow breathing in his chest moving the ever tiniest. I found the feeling calming and I slowed my breathing as well.

'Am I also getting tired? This is unusual for me to be tired. Maybe Tsukasa's cuddles are making me fall asleep, I mean I am quite comfortable this way. Is Tsukasa the way I'm going to be able to sleep for the next while?' I thought while drifting off to sleep. I closed my eyes embracing the moment and falling asleep in Tsukasa's comfortable embrace.

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